First Book of Adam and Eve (2024)

Project Gutenberg's First Book of Adam and Eve, by Rutherford PlattThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away orre-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.orgTitle: First Book of Adam and EveAuthor: Rutherford PlattRelease Date: January 19, 2008 [EBook #398][This file last updated on January 25, 2008]Language: EnglishCharacter set encoding: ISO-8859-1*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK FIRST BOOK OF ADAM AND EVE ***

by Rutherford Platt



Chapter I - The crystal sea, God commands Adam, expelled from Eden, tolive in the Cave of Treasures.

Chapter II - Adam and Eve faint when they leave the Garden. God sendsHis Word to encourage them.

Chapter III - Concerning the promise of the great five and a half days.

Chapter IV - Adam mourns over the changed conditions. Adam and Eveenter the Cave of Treasures.

Chapter V - Eve makes a noble and emotional intercession, taking theblame on herself.

Chapter VI - God's reprimand to Adam and Eve in which he points out howand why they sinned.

Chapter VII - The beasts are appeased.

Chapter VIII - The "Bright Nature" of man is taken away.

Chapter IX - Water from the Tree of Life. Adam and Eve near drowning.

Chapter X - Their bodies need water after they leave the garden.

Chapter XI - A recollection of the glorious days in the Garden.

Chapter XII - How darkness came between Adam and Eve.

Chapter XIII - The fall of Adam. Why night and day were created.

Chapter XIV - The earliest prophesy of the coming of Christ.

Chapter XV - Adam and Eve grieve over the suffering of God to save themfrom their sins.

Chapter XVI - The first sunrise. Adam and Eve think it is a firecoming to burn them.

Chapter XVII - The Chapter of the Serpent.

Chapter XVIII - The mortal combat with the serpent.

Chapter XIX - Beasts made subject to Adam.

Chapter XX - Adam wishes to protect Eve.

Chapter XXI - Adam and Eve attempt suicide.

Chapter XXII - Adam in a gracious mood.

Chapter XXIII - Adam and Eve strengthen themselves and make the firstaltar ever built.

Chapter XXIV - A vivid prophecy of the life and death of Christ.

Chapter XXV - God represented as merciful and loving. The establishingof worship.

Chapter XXVI - A beautiful prophecy of eternal life and joy (v. 15).The fall of night.

Chapter XXVII - The second tempting of Adam and Eve. The devil takeson the form of a beguiling light.

Chapter XXVIII - The Devil pretends to lead Adam and Eve to the waterto bathe.

Chapter XXIX - God tells Adam of the Devil's purpose. (v. 4).

Chapter XXX - Adam receives the first worldly goods.

Chapter XXXI - They make themselves more comfortable in the Cave ofTreasures on the third day.

Chapter XXXII - Adam and Eve go into the water to pray.

Chapter XXXIII - Satan falsely promises the "bright light."

Chapter XXXIV - Adam recalls the creation of Eve. He eloquentlyappeals for food and drink.

Chapter XXXV - God's reply.

Chapter XXXVI - Figs.

Chapter XXXVII - Forty-three days of penance do not redeem one hour ofsin (v. 6).

Chapter XXXVIII - "When 5500 years are fulfilled.…"

Chapter XXXIX - Adam is cautious—but too late.

Chapter XL - The first Human hunger.

Chapter XLI - The first Human thirst.

Chapter XLII - A promise of the Water of Life. The third prophecy ofthe coming of Christ.

Chapter XLIII - The Devil attempts arson.

Chapter XLIV - The power of fire over man.

Chapter XLV - Why Satan didn't fulfil his promises. Description ofhell.

Chapter XLVI - "How many times have I delivered you out of his hand . .."

Chapter XLVII - The Devil's own Scheming.

Chapter XLVIII - Fifth apparition of Satan to Adam and Eve.

Chapter XLIX - The first prophecy of the Resurrection.

Chapter L - Adam and Eve seek to cover their nakedness.

Chapter LI - "What is his beauty that you should have followed him?"

Chapter LII - Adam and Eve sew the first shirt.

Chapter LIII - The prophecy of the Western Lands and of the great flood.

Chapter LIV - Adam and Eve go exploring.

Chapter LV - The Conflict between God and Satan.

Chapter LVI - A chapter of divine comfort.

Chapter LVII - "Therefore I fell.… "

Chapter LVIII - "About sunset on the 53rd day. . ."

Chapter LIX - Eighth apparition of Satan of Satan to Adam and Eve.

Chapter LX - The Devil appears like an old man. He offers "a place ofrest."

Chapter LXI - They begin to follow Satan.

Chapter LXII - Two fruit trees.

Chapter LXIII - The first joy of trees.

Chapter LXIV - Adam and Eve partake of the first earthly food.

Chapter LXV - Adam and Eve acquire digestive organs. Final hope ofreturning to the Garden is lost.

Chapter LXVI - Adam does his first day's work.

Chapter LXVII - "Then Satan began to lead astray Adam and Eve.…"

Chapter LXVIII - How destruction and trouble is of Satan when he is themaster. Adam and Eve establish the custom of worship.

Chapter LXIX - Twelfth apparition of Satan to Adam and Eve, while Adamwas praying over the offering on the altar; when Satan beat him.

Chapter LXX - Thirteenth apparition of Satan, to trick Adam intomarrying Eve.

Chapter LXXI - Adam is troubled by the thought of marrying Eve.Chapter

Chapter LXXII - Adam's heart is set on fire. Satan appears asbeautiful maidens.

Chapter LXXIII - The marriage of Adam and Eve.

Chapter LXXIV - The birth of Cain and Luluwa. Why they received thosenames.

Chapter LXXV - The family revisits the Cave of Treasures. Birth ofAbel and Aklia.

Chapter LXXVI - Cain becomes jealous of Abel because of his sisters.

Chapter LXXVII - Cain, 15 years old, and Abel 12 years old, grow apart.

Chapter LXXVIII - Jealousy overcomes Cain. He makes trouble in thefamily. How the first murder was planned.

Chapter LXXIX - A wicked plan is carried to a tragic conclusion. Cainis frightened. "Am I my brother's keeper?" The seven punishments.Peace is shattered.


The First Book of Adam and Eve details the life and times of Adam andEve after they were expelled from the garden to the time that Cainkills his brother Abel. It tells of Adam and Eve's first dwelling—theCave of Treasures; their trials and temptations; Satan's manyapparitions to them; the birth of Cain, Abel, and their twin sisters;and Cain's love for his beautiful twin sister, Luluwa, whom Adam andEve wished to join to Abel.

This book is considered by many scholars to be part of the"Pseudepigrapha" (soo-duh-pig-ruh-fuh). The "Pseudepigrapha" is acollection of historical biblical works that are considered to befiction. Because of that stigma, this book was not included in thecompilation of the Holy Bible. This book is a written history of whathappened in the days of Adam and Eve after they were cast out of thegarden. Although considered to be pseudepigraphic by some, it carriessignificant meaning and insight into events of that time. It isdoubtful that these writings could have survived all the many centuriesif there were no substance to them.

This book is simply a version of an account handed down by word ofmouth, from generation to generation, linking the time that the firsthuman life was created to the time when somebody finally decided towrite it down. This particular version is the work of unknownEgyptians. The lack of historical allusion makes it difficult toprecisely date the writing, however, using other pseudepigraphicalworks as a reference, it was probably written a few hundred yearsbefore the birth of Christ. Parts of this version are found in theJewish Talmud, and the Islamic Koran, showing what a vital role itplayed in the original literature of human wisdom. The Egyptian authorwrote in Arabic, but later translations were found written in Ethiopic.The present English translation was translated in the late 1800's byDr. S. C. Malan and Dr. E. Trumpp. They translated into King JamesEnglish from both the Arabic version and the Ethiopic version which wasthen published in The Forgotten Books of Eden in 1927 by The WorldPublishing Company. In 1995, the text was extracted from a copy ofThe Forgotten Books of Eden and converted to electronic form by DennisHawkins. It was then translated into more modern English by simplyexchanging 'Thou' s for 'You's, 'Art's for 'Are's, and so forth. Thetext was then carefully re-read to ensure its integrity.

Chapter I - The crystal sea, God commands Adam, expelled from Eden, tolive in the Cave of Treasures.

1 On the third day, God planted the garden in the east of the earth, onthe border of the world eastward, beyond which, towards the sun-rising,one finds nothing but water, that encompasses the whole world, andreaches to the borders of heaven.

2 And to the north of the garden there is a sea of water, clear andpure to the taste, unlike anything else; so that, through the clearnessthereof, one may look into the depths of the earth.

3 And when a man washes himself in it, he becomes clean of thecleanness thereof, and white of its whiteness—even if he were dark.

4 And God created that sea of his own good pleasure, for He knew whatwould come of the man He would make; so that after he had left thegarden, on account of his transgression, men should be born in theearth. Among them are righteous ones who will die, whose souls Godwould raise at the last day; when all of them will return to theirflesh, bathe in the water of that sea, and repent of their sins.

5 But when God made Adam go out of the garden, He did not place him onthe border of it northward. This was so that he and Eve would not beable to go near to the sea of water where they could wash themselves init, be cleansed from their sins, erase the transgression they hadcommitted, and be no longer reminded of it in the thought of theirpunishment.

6 As to the southern side of the garden, God did not want Adam to livethere either; because, when the wind blew from the north, it wouldbring him, on that southern side, the delicious smell of the trees ofthe garden.

7 Wherefore God did not put Adam there. This was so that he would notbe able to smell the sweet smell of those trees, forget histransgression, and find consolation for what he had done by takingdelight in the smell of the trees and yet not be cleansed from histransgression.

8 Again, also, because God is merciful and of great pity, and governsall things in a way that He alone knows—He made our father Adam livein the western border of the garden, because on that side the earth isvery broad.

9 And God commanded him to live there in a cave in a rock—the Cave ofTreasures below the garden.

Chapter II - Adam and Eve faint when they leave the Garden. God sendsHis Word to encourage them.

1 But when our father Adam, and Eve, went out of the garden, theywalked the ground on their feet, not knowing they were walking.

2 And when they came to the opening of the gate of the garden, and sawthe broad earth spread before them, covered with stones large andsmall, and with sand, they feared and trembled, and fell on theirfaces, from the fear that came over them; and they were as dead.

3 Because—whereas until this time they had been in the garden land,beautifully planted with all manner of trees—they now saw themselves,in a strange land, which they knew not, and had never seen.

4 And because, when they were in the garden they were filled with thegrace of a bright nature, and they had not hearts turned toward earthlythings.

5 Therefore God had pity on them; and when He saw them fallen beforethe gate of the garden, He sent His Word to our father, Adam and Eve,and raised them from their fallen state.

Chapter III - Concerning the promise of the great five and a half days.

1 God said to Adam, "I have ordained on this earth days and years, andyou and your descendants shall live and walk in them, until the daysand years are fulfilled; when I shall send the Word that created you,and against which you have transgressed, the Word that made you comeout of the garden, and that raised you when you were fallen.

2 Yes, the Word that will again save you when the five and a half daysare fulfilled."

3 But when Adam heard these words from God, and of the great five and ahalf days, he did not understand the meaning of them.

4 For Adam was thinking there would be only five and a half days forhim until the end of the world.

5 And Adam cried, and prayed to God to explain it to him.

6 Then God in his mercy for Adam who was made after His own image andlikeness, explained to him, that these were 5,000 and 500 years; andhow One would then come and save him and his descendants.

7 But before that, God had made this covenant with our father, Adam, inthe same terms, before he came out of the garden, when he was by thetree where Eve took of the fruit and gave it to him to eat.

8 Because, when our father Adam came out of the garden, he passed bythat tree, and saw how God had changed the appearance of it intoanother form, and how it shriveled.

9 And as Adam went to it he feared, trembled and fell down; but God inHis mercy lifted him up, and then made this covenant with him.

10 And again, when Adam was by the gate of the garden, and saw thecherub with a sword of flashing fire in his hand, and the cherub grewangry and frowned at him, both Adam and Eve became afraid of him, andthought he meant to put them to death. So they fell on their faces,trembled with fear.

11 But he had pity on them, and showed them mercy; and turning fromthem went up to heaven, and prayed to the Lord, and said;—

12 "Lord, You sent me to watch at the gate of the garden, with a swordof fire.

13 But when Your servants, Adam and Eve, saw me, they fell on theirfaces, and were as dead. O my Lord, what shall we do to Your servants?"

14 Then God had pity on them, and showed them mercy, and sent His Angelto keep the garden.

15 And the Word of the Lord came to Adam and Eve, and raised them up.

16 And the Lord said to Adam, "I told you that at the end of the fiveand a half days, I will send my Word and save you.

17 Strengthen your heart, therefore, and stay in the Cave of Treasures,of which I have before spoken to you."

18 And when Adam heard this Word from God, he was comforted with thatwhich God had told him. For He had told him how He would save him.

Chapter IV - Adam mourns over the changed conditions. Adam and Eveenter the Cave of Treasures.

1 But Adam and Eve cried for having come out of the garden, their firsthome.

2 And indeed, when Adam looked at his flesh, that was altered, he criedbitterly, he and Eve, over what they had done. And they walked andwent gently down into the Cave of Treasures.

3 And as they came to it, Adam cried over himself and said to Eve,"Look at this cave that is to be our prison in this world, and aplace of punishment!

4 What is it compared with the garden? What is its narrowness comparedwith the space of the other?

5 What is this rock, by the side of those groves? What is the gloom ofthis cavern, compared with the light of the garden?

6 What is this overhanging ledge of rock to shelter us, compared withthe mercy of the Lord that overshadowed us?

7 What is the soil of this cave compared with the garden land? Thisearth, strewed with stones; and that, planted with delicious fruittrees?"

8 And Adam said to Eve, "Look at your eyes, and at mine, which beforebeheld angels praising in heaven; and they too, without ceasing.

9 But now we do not see as we did; our eyes have become of flesh; theycannot see like they used to see before."

10 Adam said again to Eve, "What is our body today, compared to what itwas in former days, when we lived in the garden?"

11 After this, Adam did not want to enter the cave, under theoverhanging rock; nor would he ever want to enter it.

12 But he bowed to God's orders; and said to himself, "Unless I enterthe cave, I shall again be a transgressor."

Chapter V - Eve makes a noble and emotional intercession, taking theblame on herself.

1 Then Adam and Eve entered the cave, and stood praying, in their owntongue, unknown to us, but which they knew well.

2 And as they prayed, Adam raised his eyes and saw the rock and theroof of the cave that covered him overhead. This prevented him fromseeing either heaven or God's creatures. So he cried and beat hischest hard, until he dropped, and was as dead.

3 And Eve sat crying; for she believed he was dead.

4 Then she got up, spread her hands toward God, appealing to Him formercy and pity, and said, "O God, forgive me my sin, the sin which Icommitted, and don't remember it against me.

5 For I alone caused Your servant to fall from the garden into thiscondemned land; from light into this darkness; and from the house ofjoy into this prison.

6 O God, look at this Your servant fallen in this manner, and bring himback to life, that he may cry and repent of his transgression which hecommitted through me.

7 Don't take away his soul right now; but let him live that he maystand after the measure of his repentance, and do Your will, as beforehis death.

8 But if You do not bring him back to life, then, O God, take away myown soul, that I be like him, and leave me not in this dungeon, one andalone; for I could not stand alone in this world, but with him only.

9 For You, O God, caused him to fall asleep, and took a bone from hisside, and restored the flesh in the place of it, by Your divine power.

10 And You took me, the bone, and make me a woman, bright like him,with heart, reason, and speech; and in flesh, like to his own; and Youmade me after the likeness of his looks, by Your mercy and power.

11 O Lord, I and he are one, and You, O God, are our Creator, You areHe who made us both in one day.

12 Therefore, O God, give him life, that he may be with me in thisstrange land, while we live in it on account of our transgression.

13 But if You will not give him life, then take me, even me, like him;that we both may die the same day."

14 And Eve cried bitterly, and fell on our father Adam; from her greatsorrow.

Chapter VI - God's reprimand to Adam and Eve in which he points out howand why they sinned.

1 But God looked at them; for they had killed themselves through greatgrief.

2 But He decided to raise them and comfort them.

3 He, therefore, sent His Word to them; that they should stand and beraised immediately.

4 And the Lord said to Adam and Eve, "You transgressed of your own freewill, until you came out of the garden in which I had placed you.

5 Of your own free will have you transgressed through your desire fordivinity, greatness, and an exalted state, such as I have; so that Ideprived you of the bright nature in which you then were, and I madeyou come out of the garden to this land, rough and full of trouble.

6 If only you had not transgressed My commandment and had kept My law,and had not eaten of the fruit of the tree which I told you not to comenear! And there were fruit trees in the garden better than that one.

7 But the wicked Satan did not keep his faith and had no good intenttowards Me, that although I had created him, he considered Me to beuseless, and sought the Godhead for himself; for this I hurled him downfrom heaven so that he could not remain in his first estate—it was hewho made the tree appear pleasant in your eyes, until you ate of it, bybelieving his words.

8 Thus have you transgressed My commandment, and therefore I havebrought on you all these sorrows.

9 For I am God the Creator, who, when I created My creatures, did notintend to destroy them. But after they had sorely roused My anger, Ipunished them with grievous plagues, until they repent.

10 But, if on the contrary, they still continue hardened in theirtransgression, they shall be under a curse forever."

Chapter VII - The beasts are appeased.

1 When Adam and Eve heard these words from God, they cried and sobbedyet more; but they strengthened their hearts in God, because they nowfelt that the Lord was to them like a father and a mother; and for thisvery reason, they cried before Him, and sought mercy from Him.

2 Then God had pity on them, and said: "O Adam, I have made My covenantwith you, and I will not turn from it; neither will I let you return tothe garden, until My covenant of the great five and a half days isfulfilled."

3 Then Adam said to God, "O Lord, You created us, and made us fit to bein the garden; and before I transgressed, You made all beasts come tome, that I should name them.

4 Your grace was then on me; and I named every one according to Yourmind; and you made them all subject to me.

5 But now, O Lord God, that I have transgressed Your commandment, allbeasts will rise against me and will devour me, and Eve Your handmaid;and will cut off our life from the face of the earth.

6 I therefore beg you, O God, that since You have made us come out ofthe garden, and have made us be in a strange land, You will not let thebeasts hurt us."

7 When the Lord heard these words from Adam, He had pity on him, andfelt that he had truly said that the beasts of the field would rise anddevour him and Eve, because He, the Lord, was angry with the two ofthem on account of their transgressions.

8 Then God commanded the beasts, and the birds, and all that moves onthe earth, to come to Adam and to be familiar with him, and not totrouble him and Eve; nor yet any of the good and righteous among theiroffspring.

9 Then all the beasts paid homage to Adam, according to the commandmentof God; except the serpent, against which God was angry. It did notcome to Adam, with the beasts.

Chapter VIII - The "Bright Nature" of man is taken away.

1 Then Adam cried and said, "O God, when we lived in the garden, andour hearts were lifted up, we saw the angels that sang praises inheaven, but now we can't see like we used to; no, when we entered thecave, all creation became hidden from us."

2 Then God the Lord said to Adam, "When you were under subjection toMe, you had a bright nature within you, and for that reason could yousee things far away. But after your transgression your bright naturewas withdrawn from you; and it was not left to you to see things faraway, but only near at hand; after the ability of the flesh; for it isbrutish."

3 When Adam and Eve had heard these words from God, they went theirway; praising and worshipping Him with a sorrowful heart.

4 And God ceased to commune with them.

Chapter IX - Water from the Tree of Life. Adam and Eve near drowning.

1 Then Adam and Eve came out of the Cave of Treasures, and went near tothe garden gate, and there they stood to look at it, and cried forhaving come away from it.

2 And Adam and Eve went from before the gate of the garden to thesouthern side of it, and found there the water that watered the garden,from the root of the Tree of Life, and that split itself from thereinto four rivers over the earth.

3 Then they came and went near to that water, and looked at it; and sawthat it was the water that came forth from under the root of the Treeof Life in the garden.

4 And Adam cried and wailed, and beat his chest, for being severed fromthe garden; and said to Eve:—

5 "Why have you brought on me, on yourself, and on our descendants, somany of these plagues and punishments?"

6 And Eve said to him, "What is it you have seen that has caused you tocry and to speak to me in this manner?"

7 And he said to Eve, "Do you not see this water that was with us inthe garden, that watered the trees of the garden, and flowed out fromthere?

8 And we, when we were in the garden, did not care about it; but sincewe came to this strange land, we love it, and turn it to use for ourbody."

9 But when Eve heard these words from him, she cried; and from thesoreness of their crying, they fell into that water; and would have putan end to themselves in it, so as never again to return and behold thecreation; for when they looked at the work of creation, they felt theymust put an end to themselves.

Chapter X - Their bodies need water after they leave the garden.

1 Then God, merciful and gracious, looked at them thus lying in thewater, and close to death, and sent an angel, who brought them out ofthe water, and laid them on the seashore as dead.

2 Then the angel went up to God, was welcome, and said, "O God, Yourcreatures have breathed their last."

3 Then God sent His Word to Adam and Eve, who raised them from theirdeath.

4 And Adam said, after he was raised, "O God, while we were in thegarden we did not require, or care for this water; but since we came tothis land we cannot do without it."

5 Then God said to Adam, "While you were under My command and were abright angel, you knew not this water.

6 But now that you have transgressed My commandment, you can not dowithout water, wherein to wash your body and make it grow; for it isnow like that of beasts, and is in want of water."

7 When Adam and Eve heard these words from God, they cried a bittercry; and Adam entreated God to let him return into the garden, and lookat it a second time.

8 But God said to Adam, "I have made you a promise; when that promiseis fulfilled, I will bring you back into the garden, you and yourrighteous descendants."

9 And God ceased to commune with Adam.

Chapter XI - A recollection of the glorious days in the Garden.

1 Then Adam and Eve felt themselves burning with thirst, and heat, andsorrow.

2 And Adam said to Eve, "We shall not drink of this water, even if wewere to die. O Eve, when this water comes into our inner parts, itwill increase our punishments and that of our descendants."

3 Both Adam and Eve then went away from the water, and drank none of itat all; but came and entered the Cave of Treasures.

4 But when in it Adam could not see Eve; he only heard the noise shemade. Neither could she see Adam, but heard the noise he made.

5 Then Adam cried, in deep affliction, and beat his chest; and he gotup and said to Eve, "Where are you?"

6 And she said to him, "Look, I am standing in this darkness."

7 He then said to her, "Remember the bright nature in which we lived,when we lived in the garden!

8 O Eve! Remember the glory that rested on us in the garden. O Eve!Remember the trees that overshadowed us in the garden while we movedamong them.

9 O Eve! Remember that while we were in the garden, we knew neithernight nor day. Think of the Tree of Life, from below which flowed thewater, and that shed lustre over us! Remember, O Eve, the garden land,and the brightness thereof!

10 Think, oh think of that garden in which was no darkness, while welived in it.

11 Whereas no sooner did we come into this Cave of Treasures thandarkness surrounded us all around; until we can no longer see eachother; and all the pleasure of this life has come to an end."

Chapter XII - How darkness came between Adam and Eve.

1 Then Adam beat his chest, he and Eve, and they mourned the wholenight until the crack of dawn, and they sighed over the length of thenight in Miyazia.

2 And Adam beat himself, and threw himself on the ground in the cave,from bitter grief, and because of the darkness, and lay there as dead.

3 But Eve heard the noise he made in falling on the ground. And shefelt about for him with her hands, and found him like a corpse.

4 Then she was afraid, speechless, and remained by him.

5 But the merciful Lord looked on the death of Adam, and on Eve'ssilence from fear of the darkness.

6 And the Word of God came to Adam and raised him from his death, andopened Eve's mouth that she might speak.

7 Then Adam stood up in the cave and said, "O God, why has lightdeparted from us, and darkness covered us? Why did you leave us inthis long darkness? Why do you plague us like this?

8 And this darkness, O Lord, where was it before it covered us? It isbecause of this that we cannot see each other.

9 For so long as we were in the garden, we neither saw nor even knewwhat darkness is. I was not hidden from Eve, neither was she hiddenfrom me, until now that she cannot see me; and no darkness came over usto separate us from each other.

10 But she and I were both in one bright light. I saw her and she sawme. Yet now since we came into this cave, darkness has covered us, andseparated us from each other, so that I do not see her, and she doesnot see me.

11 O Lord, will You then plague us with this darkness?"

Chapter XIII - The fall of Adam. Why night and day were created.

1 Then when God, who is merciful and full of pity, heard Adam's voice,He said to him:—

2 "O Adam, so long as the good angel was obedient to Me, a bright lightrested on him and on his hosts.

3 But when he transgressed My commandment, I deprived him of thatbright nature, and he became dark.

4 And when he was in the heavens, in the realms of light, he knewnothing of darkness.

5 But he transgressed, and I made him fall from the heaven onto theearth; and it was this darkness that came over him.

6 And on you, O Adam, while in My garden and obedient to Me, did thatbright light rest also.

7 But when I heard of your transgression, I deprived you of that brightlight. Yet, of My mercy, I did not turn you into darkness, but I madeyou your body of flesh, over which I spread this skin, in order that itmay bear cold and heat.

8 If I had let My wrath fall heavily on you, I should have destroyedyou; and had I turned you into darkness, it would have been as if I hadkilled you.

9 But in My mercy, I have made you as you are; when you transgressed Mycommandment, O Adam, I drove you from the garden, and made you comeforth into this land; and commanded you to live in this cave; anddarkness covered you, as it did over him who transgressed Mycommandment.

10 Thus, O Adam, has this night deceived you. It is not to lastforever; but is only of twelve hours; when it is over, daylight willreturn.

11 Sigh not, therefore, neither be moved; and say not in your heartthat this darkness is long and drags on wearily; and say not in yourheart that I plague you with it.

12 Strengthen your heart, and be not afraid. This darkness is not apunishment. But, O Adam, I have made the day, and have placed the sunin it to give light; in order that you and your children should do yourwork.

13 For I knew you would sin and transgress, and come out into thisland. Yet I wouldn't force you, nor be heard over you, nor shut up;nor doom you through your fall; nor through your coming out from lightinto darkness; nor yet through your coming from the garden into thisland.

14 For I made you of the light; and I willed to bring out children oflight from you and like to you.

15 But you did not keep My commandment one day; until I had finishedthe creation and blessed everything in it.

16 Then, concerning the tree, I commanded you not to eat of it. Yet Iknew that Satan, who deceived himself, would also deceive you.

17 So I made known to you by means of the tree, not to come near him.And I told you not to eat of the fruit thereof, nor to taste of it, noryet to sit under it, nor to yield to it.

18 Had I not been and spoken to you, O Adam, concerning the tree, andhad I left you without a commandment, and you had sinned—it would havebeen an offence on My part, for not having given you any order; youwould turn around and blame Me for it.

19 But I commanded you, and warned you, and you fell. So that Mycreatures cannot blame Me; but the blame rests on them alone.

20 And, O Adam, I have made the day so that you and your descendantscan work and toil in it. And I have made the night for them to rest init from their work; and for the beasts of the field to go forth bynight and look for their food.

21 But little of darkness now remains, O Adam, and daylight will soonappear."

Chapter XIV - The earliest prophesy of the coming of Christ.

1 Then Adam said to God: "O Lord, take You my soul, and let me not seethis gloom any more; or remove me to some place where there is nodarkness."

2 But God the Lord said to Adam, "Indeed I say to you, this darknesswill pass from you, every day I have determined for you, until thefulfillment of My covenant; when I will save you and bring you backagain into the garden, into the house of light you long for, in whichthere is no darkness*. I will bring you to it—in the kingdom ofheaven."

3 Again said God to Adam, "All this misery that you have been made totake on yourself because of your transgression, will not free you fromthe hand of Satan, and will not save you.

4 But I will. When I shall come down from heaven, and shall becomeflesh of your descendants, and take on Myself the infirmity from whichyou suffer, then the darkness that covered you in this cave shall coverMe in the grave, when I am in the flesh of your descendants.

5 And I, who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning ofyears, of times, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as oneof the sons of men, in order to save you."

6 And God ceased to commune with Adam.

* Reference: John 12:46

Chapter XV - Adam and Eve grieve over the suffering of God to save themfrom their sins.

1 Then Adam and Eve cried and sorrowed by reason of God's word to them,that they should not return to the garden until the fulfillment of thedays decreed on them; but mostly because God had told them that Heshould suffer for their salvation.

Chapter XVI - The first sunrise. Adam and Eve think it is a firecoming to burn them.

1 After this, Adam and Eve continued to stand in the cave, praying andcrying, until the morning dawned on them.

2 And when they saw the light returned to them, they retrained fromfear, and strengthened their hearts.

3 Then Adam began to come out of the cave. And when he came to themouth of it, and stood and turned his face towards the east, and sawthe sunrise in glowing rays, and felt the heat thereof on his body, hewas afraid of it, and thought in his heart that this flame came forthto plague him.

4 He then cried and beat his chest, then he fell on the ground on hisface and made his request, saying:—

5 "O Lord, plague me not, neither consume me, nor yet take away my lifefrom the earth."

6 For he thought the sun was God.

7 Because while he was in the garden and heard the voice of God and thesound He made in the garden, and feared Him, Adam never saw thebrilliant light of the sun, neither did its flaming heat touch his body.

8 Therefore he was afraid of the sun when flaming rays of it reachedhim. He thought God meant to plague him therewith all the days He haddecreed for him.

9 For Adam also said in his thoughts, as God did not plague us withdarkness, behold, He has caused this sun to rise and to plague us withburning heat.

10 But while he was thinking like this in his heart, the Word of Godcame to him and said:—

11 "O Adam, get up on your feet. This sun is not God; but it has beencreated to give light by day, of which I spoke to you in the cavesaying, 'that the dawn would come, and there would be light by day.'

12 But I am God who comforted you in the night."

13 And God ceased to commune with Adam.

Chapter XVII - The Chapter of the Serpent.

1 The Adam and Eve came out at the mouth of the cave, and went towardsthe garden.

2 But as they went near it, before the western gate, from which Satancame when he deceived Adam and Eve, they found the serpent that becameSatan coming at the gate, and sorrowfully licking the dust, andwiggling on its breast on the ground, by reason of the curse that fellon it from God.

3 And whereas before the serpent was the most exalted of all beasts,now it was changed and become slippery, and the meanest of them all,and it crept on its breast and went on its belly.

4 And whereas it was the fairest of all beasts, it had been changed,and was become the ugliest of them all. Instead of feeding on the bestfood, now it turned to eat the dust. Instead of living, as before, inthe best places, now it lived in the dust.

5 And, whereas it had been the most beautiful of all beasts, all ofwhich stood dumb at its beauty, it was now abhorred of them.

6 And, again, whereas it lived in one beautiful home, to which allother animals came from elsewhere; and where it drank, they drank alsoof the same; now, after it had become venomous, by reason of God'scurse, all beasts fled from its home, and would not drink of the waterit drank; but fled from it.

Chapter XVIII - The mortal combat with the serpent.

1 When the accursed serpent saw Adam and Eve, it swelled its head,stood on its tail, and with eyes blood-red, acted like it would killthem.

2 It made straight for Eve, and ran after her; while Adam standing by,cried because he had no stick in his hand with which to hit theserpent, and did not know how to put it to death.

3 But with a heart burning for Eve, Adam approached the serpent, andheld it by the tail; when it turned towards him and said to him:—

4 "O Adam, because of you and of Eve, I am slippery, and go on mybelly." Then with its great strength, it threw down Adam and Eve andsqueezed them, and tried to kill them.

5 But God sent an angel who threw the serpent away from them, andraised them up.

6 Then the Word of God came to the serpent, and said to it, "The firsttime I made you slick, and made you to go on your belly; but I did notdeprive you of speech.

7 This time, however, you will be mute, and you and your race willspeak no more; because, the first time My creatures were ruined becauseof you, and this time you tried to kill them."

8 Then the serpent was struck mute, and was no longer able to speak.

9 And a wind blew down from heaven by the command of God and carriedaway the serpent from Adam and Eve, and threw it on the seashore whereit landed in India.

Chapter XIX - Beasts made subject to Adam.

1 But Adam and Eve cried before God. And Adam said to Him:—

2 "O Lord, when I was in the cave, I said this to you, my Lord, thebeasts of the field would rise and devour me, and cut off my life fromthe earth."

3 Then Adam, because of what had happened to him, beat his chest andfell on the ground like a corpse. Then the Word of God came to him,who raised him, and said to him,

4 "O Adam, not one of these beasts will be able to hurt you; because Ihave made the beasts and other moving things come to you in the cave.I did not let the serpent come with them because it might have risenagainst you and made you tremble; and the fear of it should fall intoyour hearts.

5 For I knew that the accursed one is wicked; therefore I would not letit come near you with the other beasts.

6 But now strengthen your heart and fear not. I am with you to the endof the days I have determined on you."

Chapter XX - Adam wishes to protect Eve.

1 Then Adam cried and said, "O God, take us away to some other place,where the serpent can not come near us again, and rise against us. Forfear that it might find Your handmaid Eve alone and kill her; for itseyes are hideous and evil."

2 But God said to Adam and Eve, "From now on, don't be afraid, I willnot let it come near you; I have driven it away from you, from thismountain; neither will I leave in it the ability to hurt you."

3 Then Adam and Eve worshipped before God and gave Him thanks, andpraised Him for having delivered them from death.

Chapter XXI - Adam and Eve attempt suicide.

1 Then Adam and Eve went in search of the garden.

2 And the heat beat like a flame on their faces; and they sweated fromthe heat, and cried before the Lord.

3 But the place where they cried was close to a high mountain, facingthe western gate of the garden.

4 Then Adam threw himself down from the top of that mountain; his facewas torn and his flesh was ripped; he lost a lot of blood and was closeto death.

5 Meanwhile Eve remained standing on the mountain crying over him, thuslying.

6 And she said, "I don't wish to live after him; for all that he did tohimself was through me."

7 Then she threw herself after him; and was torn and ripped by stones;and remained lying as dead.

8 But the merciful God, who looks over His creatures, looked at Adamand Eve as they lay dead, and He sent His Word to them, and raised them.

9 And said to Adam, "O Adam, all this misery which you have brought onyourself, will have no affect against My rule, neither will it alterthe covenant of the 5, 500 years."

Chapter XXII - Adam in a gracious mood.

1 Then Adam said to God, "I dry up in the heat, I am faint fromwalking, and I don't want to be in this world. And I don't know whenYou will take me out of it to rest."

2 Then the Lord God said to him, "O Adam, it cannot be now, not untilyou have ended your days. Then shall I bring you out of this miserableland."

3 And Adam said to God, "While I was in the garden I knew neither heat,nor languor, neither moving about, nor trembling, nor fear; but nowsince I came to this land, all this affliction has come over me.

4 Then God said to Adam, "So long as you were keeping My commandment,My light and My grace rested on you. But when you transgressed Mycommandment, sorrow and misery came to you in this land."

5 And Adam cried and said, "O Lord, do not cut me off for this, neitherpunish me with heavy plagues, nor yet repay me according to my sin; forwe, of our own will, transgressed Your commandment, and ignored Yourlaw, and tried to become gods like you, when Satan the enemy deceivedus."

6 Then God said again to Adam, "Because you have endured fear andtrembling in this land, languor and suffering, treading and walkingabout, going on this mountain, and dying from it, I will take all thison Myself in order to save you."

Chapter XXIII - Adam and Eve strengthen themselves and make the firstaltar ever built.

1 Then Adam cried more and said, "O God, have mercy on me, so far as totake on yourself, that which I will do."

2 But God withdrew His Word from Adam and Eve.

3 Then Adam and Eve stood on their feet; and Adam said to Eve,"Strengthen yourself, and I also will strengthen myself." And shestrengthened herself, as Adam told her.

4 Then Adam and Eve took stones and placed them in the shape of analtar; and they took leaves from the trees outside the garden, withwhich they wiped, from the face of the rock, the blood they had spilled.

5 But that which had dropped on the sand, they took together with thedust with which it was mingled and offered it on the altar as anoffering to God.

6 Then Adam and Eve stood under the Altar and cried, thus praying toGod, "Forgive us our trespass* and our sin, and look at us with Thineeye of mercy. For when we were in the garden our praises and our hymnswent up before you without ceasing.

7 But when we came into this strange land, pure praise was not longerours, nor righteous prayer, nor understanding hearts, nor sweetthoughts, nor just counsels, nor long discernment, nor uprightfeelings, neither is our bright nature left us. But our body ischanged from the likeness in which it was at first, when we werecreated.

8 Yet now look at our blood which is offered on these stones, andaccept it at our hands, like the praise we used to sing to you atfirst, when in the garden."

9 And Adam began to make more requests of God.

* ORIGINAL OF THE LORD'S PRAYER SAID TO BE USED ABOUT 150 YEARS BEFOREOUR LORD: Our Father, Who art in Heaven, be gracious unto us, O Lordour God, hallowed be Your Name, and let the remembrance of Thee beglorified Heaven above and upon earth here below.

Let Your kingdom reign over us now and forever. The Holy Men of oldsaid remit and forgive unto all men whatsoever they have done unto me.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil thing;for Thine is the kingdom and Thou shalt reign in glory forever andforevermore, AMEN.

Chapter XXIV - A vivid prophecy of the life and death of Christ.

1 Then the merciful God, good and lover of men, looked at Adam and Eve,and at their blood, which they had held up as an offering to Him;without an order from Him for so doing. But He wondered at them; andaccepted their offerings.

2 And God sent from His presence a bright fire, that consumed theiroffering.

3 He smelled the sweet savor of their offering, and showed them mercy.

4 Then came the Word of God to Adam, and said to him, "O Adam, as youhave shed your blood, so will I shed My own blood when I become fleshof your descendants; and as you died, O Adam, so also will I die. Andas you built an altar, so also will I make for you an altar of theearth; and as you offered your blood on it, so also will I offer Myblood on an altar on the earth.

5 And as you sued for forgiveness through that blood, so also will Imake My blood forgiveness of sins, and erase transgressions in it.

6 And now, behold, I have accepted your offering, O Adam, but the daysof the covenant in which I have bound you are not fulfilled. When theyare fulfilled, then will I bring you back into the garden.

7 Now, therefore, strengthen your heart; and when sorrow comes overyou, make Me an offering, and I will be favorable to you."

Chapter XXV - God represented as merciful and loving. The establishingof worship.

1 But God knew that Adam believed he should frequently kill himself andmake an offering to Him of his blood.

2 Therefore He said to him, "O Adam, don't ever kill yourself like thisagain, by throwing yourself down from that mountain."

3 But Adam said to God, "I was thinking to put an end to myself atonce, for having transgressed Your commandments, and for my having comeout of the beautiful garden; and for the bright light of which You havedeprived me; and for the praises which poured forth from my mouthwithout ceasing, and for the light that covered me.

4 Yet of Your goodness, O God, do not get rid of me altogether; but befavorable to me every time I die, and bring me to life.

5 And thereby it will be made known that You are a merciful God, whodoes not want anyone to perish; who loves not that one should fall; andwho does not condemn any one cruelly, badly, and by whole destruction."

6 Then Adam remained silent.

7 And the Word of God came to him, and blessed him, and comforted him,and covenanted with him, that He would save him at the end of the daysdetermined for him.

8 This, then, was the first offering Adam made to God; and so it becamehis custom to do.

Chapter XXVI - A beautiful prophecy of eternal life and joy (v. 15).The fall of night.

1 Then Adam took Eve, and they began to return to the Cave of Treasureswhere they lived. But when they got closer to it and saw it from adistance, heavy sorrow fell on Adam and Eve when they looked at it.

2 Then Adam said to Eve, "When we were on the mountain we werecomforted by the Word of God that conversed with us; and the light thatcame from the east shown over us.

3 But now the Word of God is hidden from us; and the light that shownover us is so changed as to disappear, and let darkness and sorrow comeover us.

4 And we are forced to enter this cave which is like a prison, in whichdarkness covers us, so that we are separated from each other; and youcan not see me, neither can I see you."

5 When Adam had said these words, they cried and spread their handsbefore God; for they were full of sorrow.

6 And they prayed to God to bring the sun to them, to shine on them, sothat darkness would not return to them, and that they wouldn't have togo under this covering of rock. And they wished to die rather than seethe darkness.

7 Then God looked at Adam and Eve and at their great sorrow, and at allthey had done with a fervent heart, on account of all the trouble theywere in, instead of their former well-being, and on account of all themisery that came over them in a strange land.

8 Therefore God was not angry with them; nor impatient with them; buthe was patient and forbearing towards them, as towards the children Hehad created.

9 Then came the Word of God to Adam, and said to him, "Adam, as for thesun, if I were to take it and bring it to you, days, hours, years andmonths would all stop, and the covenant I have made with you, wouldnever be fulfilled.

10 But then you would be deserted and stuck in a perpetual plague, andyou would never be saved.

11 Yes, rather, bear long and calm your soul while you live night andday; until the fulfillment of the days, and the time of My covenant iscome.

12 Then shall I come and save you, O Adam, for I do not wish that yoube afflicted.

13 And when I look at all the good things in which you lived, and whyyou came out of them, then would I willingly show you mercy.

14 But I cannot alter the covenant that has gone out of My mouth;otherwise I would have brought you back into the garden.

15 When, however, the covenant is fulfilled, then shall I show you andyour descendants mercy, and bring you into a land of gladness, wherethere is neither sorrow nor suffering; but abiding joy and gladness,and light that never fails, and praises that never cease; and abeautiful garden that shall never pass away."

16 And God said again to Adam, "Be patient and enter the cave, for thedarkness, of which you were afraid, shall only be twelve hours long;and when ended, light shall come up."

17 Then when Adam heard these words from God, he and Eve worshippedbefore Him, and their hearts were comforted. They returned into thecave after their custom, while tears flowed from their eyes, sorrow andwailing came from their hearts, and they wished their soul would leavetheir body.

18 And Adam and Eve stood praying until the darkness of night came overthem, and Adam was hid from Eve, and she from him.

19 And they remained standing in prayer.

Chapter XXVII - The second tempting of Adam and Eve. The devil takeson the form of a beguiling light.

1 When Satan, the hater of all good, saw how they continued in prayer,and how God communed with them, and comforted them, and how He hadaccepted their offering—Satan made an apparition.

2 He began with transforming his hosts; in his hands was a flashingfire, and they were in a great light.

3 He then placed his throne near the mouth of the cave because he couldnot enter into it by reason of their prayers. And he shed light intothe cave, until the cave glistened over Adam and Eve; while his hostsbegan to sing praises.

4 And Satan did this, in order that when Adam saw the light, he shouldthink within himself that it was a heavenly light, and that Satan'shosts were angels; and that God had sent them to watch at the cave, andto give him light in the darkness.

5 So that when Adam came out of the cave and saw them, and Adam and Evebowed to Satan, then he would overcome Adam thereby, and a second timehumble him before God.

6 When, therefore, Adam and Eve saw the light, fancying it was real,they strengthened their hearts; yet, as they were trembling, Adam saidto Eve:—

7 "Look at that great light, and at those many songs of praise, and atthat host standing outside who won't come into our cave. Why don'tthey tell us what they want, where they are from, what the meaning ofthis light is, what those praises are, why they have been sent to thisplace, and why they won't come in?

8 If they were from God, they would come into the cave with us, andwould tell us why they were sent."

9 Then Adam stood up and prayed to God with a burning heart, and said:—

10 "O Lord, is there in the world another god besides You, who createdangels and filled them with light, and sent them to keep us, who wouldcome with them?

11 But, look, we see these hosts that stand at the mouth of the cave;they are in a great light; they sing loud praises. If they are of someother god than You, tell me; and if they are sent by you, inform me ofthe reason for which You have sent them."

12 No sooner had Adam said this, than an angel from God appeared to himin the cave, who said to him, "O Adam, fear not. This is Satan and hishosts; he wishes to deceive you as he deceived you at first. For thefirst time, he was hidden in the serpent; but this time he is come toyou in the likeness of an angel of light; in order that, when youworshipped him, he might enslave you, in the very presence of God."

13 Then the angel went from Adam and seized Satan at the opening of thecave, and stripped him of the pretense he had assumed, and brought himin his own hideous form to Adam and Eve; who were afraid of him whenthey saw him.

14 And the angel said to Adam, "This hideous form has been his eversince God made him fall from heaven. He could not have come near youin it; he therefore transformed himself into an angel of light."

15 Then the angel drove away Satan and his hosts from Adam and Eve, andsaid to them, "Fear not; God who created you, will strengthen you."

16 And the angel left them.

17 But Adam and Eve remained standing in the cave; no consolation cameto them; they divided in their thoughts.

18 And when it was morning they prayed; and then went out to seek thegarden. For their hearts were towards it, and they could get noconsolation for having left it.

Chapter XXVIII - The Devil pretends to lead Adam and Eve to the waterto bathe.

1 But when the crafty Satan saw them, that they were going to thegarden, he gathered together his host, and came in appearance on acloud, intent on deceiving them.

2 But when Adam and Eve saw him thus in a vision, they thought theywere angels of God come to comfort them about having left the garden,or to bring them back again into it.

3 And Adam spread his hands before God, beseeching Him to make himunderstand what they were.

4 Then Satan, the hater of all good, said to Adam, "O Adam, I am anangel of the great God; and, behold the hosts that surround me.

5 God has sent us to take you and bring you to the border of the gardennorthwards; to the shore of the clear sea, and bathe you and Eve in it,and raise you to your former gladness, that you return again to thegarden."

6 These words sank into the heart of Adam and Eve.

7 Yet God withheld His Word from Adam, and did not make him understandat once, but waited to see his strength; whether he would be overcomeas Eve was when in the garden, or whether he would prevail.

8 Then Satan called to Adam and Eve, and said, "Behold, we go to thesea of water," and they began to go.

9 And Adam and Eve followed them at some little distance.

10 But when they came to the mountain to the north of the garden, avery high mountain, without any steps to the top of it, the Devil drewnear to Adam and Eve, and made them go up to the top in reality, andnot in a vision; wishing, as he did, to throw them down and kill them,and to wipe off their name from the earth; so that this earth shouldremain to him and his hosts alone.

Chapter XXIX - God tells Adam of the Devil's purpose. (v. 4).

1 But when the merciful God saw that Satan wished to kill Adam with hismany tricks, and saw that Adam was meek and without guile, God spoke toSatan in a loud voice, and cursed him.

2 Then he and his hosts fled, and Adam and Eve remained standing on thetop of the mountain, from there they saw below them the wide world,high above which they were. But they saw none of the host which timeafter time were by them.

3 They cried, both Adam and Eve, before God, and begged for forgivenessof Him.

4 Then came the Word from God to Adam, and said to him, "Know you andunderstand concerning this Satan, that he seeks to deceive you and yourdescendants after you."

5 And Adam cried before the Lord God, and begged and prayed to Him togive him something from the garden, as a token to him, wherein to becomforted.

6 And God considered Adam's thought, and sent the angel Michael as faras the sea that reaches India, to take from there golden rods and bringthem to Adam.

7 This did God in His wisdom in order that these golden rods, beingwith Adam in the cave, should shine forth with light in the nightaround him, and put an end to his fear of the darkness.

8 Then the angel Michael went down by God's order, took golden rods, asGod had commanded him, and brought them to God.

Chapter XXX - Adam receives the first worldly goods.

1 After these things, God commanded the angel Gabriel to go down to thegarden, and say to the cherub who kept it, "Behold, God has commandedme to come into the garden, and to take from it sweet smelling incense,and give it to Adam."

2 Then the angel Gabriel went down by God's order to the garden, andtold the cherub as God had commanded him.

3 The cherub then said, "Well." And Gabriel went in and took theincense.

4 Then God commanded his angel Raphael to go down to the garden, andspeak to the cherub about some myrrh, to give to Adam.

5 And the angel Raphael went down and told the cherub as God hadcommanded him, and the cherub said, "Well." Then Raphael went in andtook the myrrh.

6 The golden rods were from the Indian sea, where there are preciousstones. The incense was from the eastern border of the garden; and themyrrh from the western border, from where bitterness came over Adam.

7 And the angels brought these things to God, by the Tree of Life, inthe garden.

8 Then God said to the angels, "Dip them in the spring of water; thentake them and sprinkle their water over Adam and Eve, that they be alittle comforted in their sorrow, and give them to Adam and Eve.

9 And the angels did as God had commanded them, and they gave all thosethings to Adam and Eve on the top of the mountain on which Satan hadplaced them, when he sought to make an end of them.

10 And when Adam saw the golden rods, the incense and the myrrh, he wasrejoiced and cried because he thought that the gold was a token of thekingdom from where he had come, that the incense was a token of thebright light which had been taken from him, and that the myrrh was atoken of the sorrow in which he was.

Chapter XXXI - They make themselves more comfortable in the Cave ofTreasures on the third day.

1 After these things God said to Adam, "You asked Me for something fromthe garden, to be comforted therewith, and I have given you these threetokens as a consolation to you; that you trust in Me and in My covenantwith you.

2 For I will come and save you; and kings shall bring me when in theflesh, gold, incense and myrrh; gold as a token of My kingdom; incenseas a token of My divinity; and myrrh as a token of My suffering and ofMy death.

3 But, O Adam, put these by you in the cave; the gold that it may shedlight over you by night; the incense, that you smell its sweet savor;and the myrrh, to comfort you in your sorrow."

4 When Adam heard these words from God, he worshipped before Him. Heand Eve worshipped Him and gave Him thanks, because He had dealtmercifully with them.

5 Then God commanded the three angels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael,each to bring what he had brought, and give it to Adam. And they didso, one by one.

6 And God commanded Suriyel and Salathiel to bear up Adam and Eve, andbring them down from the top of the high mountain, and to take them tothe Cave of Treasures.

7 There they laid the gold on the south side of the cave, the incenseon the eastern side, and the myrrh on the western side. For the mouthof the cave was on the north side.

8 The angels then comforted Adam and Eve, and departed.

9 The gold was seventy rods*; the incense, twelve pounds; and themyrrh, three pounds.

10 These remained by Adam in the Cave of Treasures**.

11 God gave these three things to Adam on the third day after he hadcome out of the garden, in token of the three days the Lord shouldremain in the heart of the earth.

12 And these three things, as they continued with Adam in the cave,gave him light by night; and by day they gave him a little relief fromhis sorrow.

* A rod is a unit of linear measure equivalent to 5.5 yards and also aunit of area measure equivalent to 30.25 square yards. In this case,the word rod simply means a kind of long, thin piece of gold ofunspecified size and weight.

** This is the original text which appears to contain embeddededitorial content: "These remained by Adam in the House of Treasures;therefore was it called 'of concealment.' But other interpreters sayit was called the 'Cave of Treasures,' by reason of the bodies ofrighteous men that were in it.

Chapter XXXII - Adam and Eve go into the water to pray.

1 And Adam and Eve remained in the Cave of Treasures until the seventhday; they neither ate of the fruit the earth, nor drank water.

2 And when it dawned on the eighth day, Adam said to Eve, "O Eve, weprayed God to give us something from the garden, and He sent his angelswho brought us what we had desired.

3 But now, get up, let us go to the sea of water we saw at first, andlet us stand in it, praying that God will again be favorable to us andtake us back to the garden; or give us something; or that He will giveus comfort in some other land than this in which we are."

4 Then Adam and Eve came out of the cave, went and stood on the borderof the sea in which they had before thrown themselves, and Adam said toEve:—

5 Come, go down into this place, and come not out of it until the endof thirty days, when I shall come to you. And pray to God with burningheart and a sweet voice, to forgive us.

6 And I will go to another place, and go down into it, and do like you."

7 Then Eve went down into the water, as Adam had commanded her. Adamalso went down into the water; and they stood praying; and besought theLord to forgive them their offense, and to restore them to their formerstate.

8 And they stood like that praying, until the end of the thirty-fivedays.

Chapter XXXIII - Satan falsely promises the "bright light."

1 But Satan, the hater of all good, sought them in the cave, but foundthem not, although he searched diligently for them.

2 But he found them standing in the water praying and thought withinhimself, "Adam and Eve are standing like that in that water praying toGod to forgive them their transgression, and to restore them to theirformer state, and to take them from under my hand.

3 But I will deceive them so that they shall come out of the water, andnot fulfil their vow."

4 Then the hater of all good, went not to Adam, but he went to Eve, andtook the form of an angel of God, praising and rejoicing, and said toher:—

5 "Peace be to you! Be glad and rejoice! God is favorable to you, andHe sent me to Adam. I have brought him the glad tidings of salvation,and of his being filled with bright light as he was at first.

6 And Adam, in his joy for his restoration, has sent me to you, thatyou come to me, in order that I crown you with light like him.

7 And he said to me, 'Speak to Eve; if she does not come with you, tellher of the sign when we were on the top of the mountain; how God senthis angels who took us and brought us to the Cave of Treasures; andlaid the gold on the southern side; incense, on the eastern side; andmyrrh on the western side.' Now come to him."

8 When Eve hear these words from him, she rejoiced greatly. Andthinking Satan's appearance was real, she came out of the sea.

9 He went before, and she followed him until they came to Adam. ThenSatan hid himself from her, and she saw him no more.

10 She then came and stood before Adam, who was standing by the waterand rejoicing in God's forgiveness.

11 And as she called to him, he turned around, found her there andcried when he saw her, and beat his chest; and from the bitterness ofhis grief, he sank into the water.

12 But God looked at him and at his misery, and at his being about tobreathe his last. And the Word of God came from heaven, raised him outof the water, and said to him, "Go up the high bank to Eve." And whenhe came up to Eve he said to her, "Who told you to come here?"

13 Then she told him the discourse of the angel who had appeared to herand had given her a sign.

14 But Adam grieved, and gave her to know it was Satan. He then tookher and they both returned to the cave.

15 These things happened to them the second time they went down to thewater, seven days after their coming out of the garden.

16 They fasted in the water thirty-five days; altogether forty-two dayssince they had left the garden.

Chapter XXXIV - Adam recalls the creation of Eve. He eloquentlyappeals for food and drink.

1 And on the morning of the forty-third day, they came out of the cave,sorrowful and crying. Their bodies were lean, and they were parchedfrom hunger and thirst, from fasting and praying, and from their heavysorrow on account of their transgression.

2 And when they had come out of the cave they went up the mountain tothe west of the garden.

3 There they stood and prayed and besought God to grant themforgiveness of their sins.

4 And after their prayers Adam began to beg God, saying, "O my Lord, myGod, and my Creator, You commanded the four elements* to be gatheredtogether, and they were gathered together by Thine order.

5 Then You spread Your hand and created me out of one element, that ofdust of the earth; and You brought me into the garden at the thirdhour, on a Friday, and informed me of it in the cave.

6 Then, at first, I knew neither night nor day, for I had a brightnature; neither did the light in which I lived ever leave me to knownight or day.

7 Then, again, O Lord, in that third hour in which You created me, Youbrought to me all beasts, and lions, and ostriches, and fowls of theair, and all things that move in the earth, which You had created atthe first hour before me of the Friday.

8 And Your will was that I should name them all, one by one, with asuitable name. But You gave me understanding and knowledge, and a pureheart and a right mind from you, that I should name them after Thineown mind regarding the naming of them.

9 O God, You made them obedient to me, and ordered that not one of thembreak from my sway, according to Your commandment, and to the dominionwhich You had given me over them. But now they are all estranged fromme.

10 Then it was in that third hour of Friday, in which You created me,and commanded me concerning the tree, to which I was neither to gonear, nor to eat thereof; for You said to me in the garden, 'When youeat of it, of death you shall die.'

11 And if You had punished me as You said, with death, I should havedied that very moment.

12 Moreover, when You commanded me regarding the tree, I was neither toapproach nor to eat thereof, Eve was not with me; You had not yetcreated her, neither had You yet taken her out of my side; nor had sheyet heard this order from you.

13 Then, at the end of the third hour of that Friday, O Lord, Youcaused a slumber and a sleep to come over me, and I slept, and wasoverwhelmed in sleep.

14 Then You drew a rib out of my side, and created it after my ownlikeness and image. Then I awoke; and when I saw her and knew who shewas, I said, 'This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; from nowon she shall be called woman.'

15 It was of Your good will, O God, that You brought a slumber in asleep over me, and that You immediately brought Eve out of my side,until she was out, so that I did not see how she was made; neithercould I witness, O my Lord, how awful and great are Your goodness andglory.

16 And of Your goodwill, O Lord, You made us both with bodies of abright nature, and You made us two, one; and You gave us Your grace,and filled us with praises of the Holy Spirit; that we should beneither hungry nor thirsty, nor know what sorrow is, nor yet faintnessof heart; neither suffering, fasting nor weariness.

17 But now, O God, since we transgressed Your commandment and brokeYour law, You have brought us out into a strange land, and have causedsuffering, and faintness, hunger and thirst to come over us.

18 Now, therefore, O God, we pray you, give us something to eat fromthe garden, to satisfy our hunger with it; and something wherewith toquench our thirst.

19 For, behold, many days, O God, we have tasted nothing and drunknothing, and our flesh is dried up, and our strength is wasted, andsleep is gone from our eyes from faintness and crying.

20 Then, O God, we dare not gather anything from the fruit of trees,from fear of you. For when we transgress at first You spared us anddid not make us die.

21 But now, we thought in our hearts, if we eat of the fruit of thetrees, without God's order, He will destroy us this time, and will wipeus off from the face of the earth.

22 And if we drink of this water, without God's order, He will make anend of us and root us up at once.

23 Now, therefore, O God, that I am come to this place with Eve, we begYou to give us some fruit from the garden, that we may be satisfiedwith it.

24 For we desire the fruit that is on the earth, and all else that welack in it."

* The medieval belief that there were only four elements—fire, earth,air, and water—was widely accepted until about 1500 AD when thecurrent atomic theory was in its infancy.

Chapter XXXV - God's reply.

1 Then God looked again at Adam and his crying and groaning, and theWord of God came to him, and said to him:—

2 "O Adam, when you were in My garden, you knew neither eating nordrinking; neither faintness nor suffering; neither leanness of flesh,nor change; neither did sleep depart from thine eyes. But since youtransgressed, and came into this strange land, all these trials arecome over you."

Chapter XXXVI - Figs.

1 Then God commanded the cherub, who kept the gate of the garden with asword of fire in his hand, to take some of the fruit of the fig-tree,and to give it to Adam.

2 The cherub obeyed the command of the Lord God, and went into thegarden and brought two figs on two twigs, each fig hanging to its leaf;they were from two of the trees among which Adam and Eve hid themselveswhen God went to walk in the garden, and the Word of God came to Adamand Eve and said to them, "Adam, Adam, where are you?"

3 And Adam answered, "O God, here I am. When I heard the sound of Youand Your voice, I hid myself, because I am naked."

4 Then the cherub took two figs and brought them to Adam and Eve. Buthe threw them to them from a distance; for they might not come near thecherub by reason of their flesh, that could not come near the fire.

5 At first, angels trembled at the presence of Adam and were afraid ofhim. But now Adam trembled before the angels and was afraid of them.

6 Then Adam came closer and took one fig, and Eve also came in turn andtook the other.

7 And as they took them up in their hands, they looked at them, andknew they were from the trees among which they had hidden themselves.

Chapter XXXVII - Forty-three days of penance do not redeem one hour ofsin (v. 6).

1 Then Adam said to Eve, "Do you not see these figs and their leaves,with which we covered ourselves when we were stripped of our brightnature? But now, we do not know what misery and suffering may comeover us from eating them.

2 Now, therefore, O Eve, let us restrain ourselves and not eat of them,you and I; and let us ask God to give us of the fruit of the Tree ofLife."

3 Thus did Adam and Eve restrain themselves, and did not eat of thesefigs.

4 But Adam began to pray to God and to beseech Him to give him of thefruit of the Tree of Life, saying thus: "O God, when we transgressedYour commandment at the sixth hour of Friday, we were stripped of thebright nature we had, and did not continue in the garden after ourtransgression, more than three hours.

5 But in the evening You made us come out of it. O God, wetransgressed against You one hour, and all these trials and sorrowshave come over us until this day.

6 And those days together with this the forty-third day, do not redeemthat one hour in which we transgressed!

7 O God, look at us with an eye of pity, and do not avenge us accordingto our transgression of Your commandment, in Your presence.

8 O God, give us of the fruit of the Tree of Life, that we may eat ofit, and live, and turn not to see sufferings and other trouble, in thisearth; for You are God.

9 When we transgressed Your commandment, You made us come out of thegarden, and sent a cherub to keep the Tree of Life, lest we should eatthereof, and live; and know nothing of faintness after we transgressed.

10 But now, O Lord, behold, we have endured all these days, and haveborne sufferings. Make these forty-three days an equivalent for theone hour in which we transgressed."

Chapter XXXVIII - "When 5500 years are fulfilled.…"

1 After these things the Word of God came to Adam, and said to him:—

2 "O Adam, as to the fruit on the Tree of Life that you have asked for,I will not give it to you now, but only when the 5500 years arefulfilled. At that time I will give you fruit from the Tree of Life,and you will eat, and live forever, you, and Eve, and your righteousdescendants.

3 But these forty-three days cannot make amends for the hour in whichyou transgressed My commandment.

4 O Adam, I gave you the fruit of the fig-tree to eat in which you hidyourself. Go and eat of it, you and Eve.

5 I will not deny your request, neither will I disappoint your hope;therefore, endure until the fulfillment of the covenant I made withyou."

6 And God withdrew His Word from Adam.

Chapter XXXIX - Adam is cautious—but too late.

1 Then Adam returned to Eve, and said to her, "Get up, and take a figfor yourself, and I will take another; and let us go to our cave."

2 Then Adam and Eve took each a fig and went towards the cave; the timewas about the setting of the sun; and their thoughts made them long toeat of the fruit.

3 But Adam said to Eve, "I am afraid to eat of this fig. I know notwhat may come over me from it."

4 So Adam cried, and stood praying before God, saying, "Satisfy myhunger, without my having to eat this fig; for after I have eaten it,what will it profit me? And what shall I desire and ask of you, O God,when it is gone?"

5 And he said again, "I am afraid to eat of it; for I know not whatwill befall me through it."

Chapter XL - The first Human hunger.

1 Then the Word of God came to Adam, and said to him, "O Adam, whydidn't you have this dread, or this fasting, or this care before now?And why didn't you have this fear before you transgressed?

2 But when you came to live in this strange land, your animal bodycould not survive on earth without earthly food, to strengthen it andto restore its powers."

3 And God withdrew His Word for Adam.

Chapter XLI - The first Human thirst.

1 Then Adam took the fig, and laid it on the golden rods. Eve alsotook her fig, and put it on the incense.

2 And the weight of each fig was that of a water-melon; for the fruitof the garden was much larger than the fruit of this land*.

3 But Adam and Eve remained standing and fasting the whole of thatnight, until the morning dawned.

4 When the sun rose they were still praying, but after they hadfinished praying, Adam said to Eve:—

5 "O Eve, come, let us go to the border of the garden looking south; tothe place from where the river flows, and is parted into four heads.There we will pray to God, and ask Him to give us some of the Water ofLife to drink.

6 For God has not fed us with the Tree of Life, in order that we maynot live. Therefore, we will ask him to give us some of the Water ofLife, and to quench our thirst with it, rather than with a drink ofwater of this land."

7 When Eve heard these words from Adam, she agreed; and they both gotup and came to the southern border of the garden, at the edge of theriver of water a short distance from the garden.

8 And they stood and prayed before the Lord, and asked Him to look atthem this once, to forgive them, and to grant them their request.

9 After this prayer from both of them, Adam began to pray with hisvoice before God, and said;—

10 "O Lord, when I was in the garden and saw the water that flowed fromunder the Tree of Life, my heart did not desire, neither did my bodyrequire to drink of it; neither did I know thirst, for I was living;and above that which I am now.

11 So that in order to live I did not require any Food of Life, neitherdid I drink of the Water of Life.

12 But now, O God, I am dead; my flesh is parched with thirst. Give meof the Water of Life that I may drink of it and live.

13 Of Your mercy, O God, save me from these plagues and trials, andbring me into another land different from this, if You will not let melive in Your garden."

* This is substantiated by Genesis 3:7 whereby the leaves of the figtree were large enough that Adam and Eve could fashion garments fromthem.

Chapter XLII - A promise of the Water of Life. The third prophecy ofthe coming of Christ.

1 Then came the Word of God to Adam, and said to him:—

2 "O Adam, as to what you said, 'Bring me into a land where there isrest,' it is not another land than this, but it is the kingdom ofheaven where alone there is rest.

3 But you can not make your entrance into it at present; but only afteryour judgment is past and fulfilled.

4 Then will I make you go up into the kingdom of heaven, you and yourrighteous descendants; and I will give you and them the rest you askfor at present.

5 And if you said, 'Give me of the Water of Life that I may drink andlive'—it cannot be this day, but on the day that I shall descend intohell, and break the gates of brass, and bruise in pieces the kingdomsof iron.

6 Then will I in mercy save your soul and the souls of the righteous,to give them rest in My garden. And that shall be when the end of theworld is come.

7 And, again, in regards to the Water of Life you seek, it will not begranted you this day; but on the day that I shall shed My blood on yourhead* in the land of Golgotha**.

8 For My blood shall be the Water of Life to you at that time, and notto just you alone, but to all your descendants who shall believe inMe***; that it be to them for rest forever."

9 The Lord said again to Adam, "O Adam, when you were in the garden,these trials did not come to you.

10 But since you transgressed My commandment, all these sufferings havecome over you.

11 Now, also, does your flesh require food and drink; drink then ofthat water that flows by you on the face of the earth.

12 Then God withdrew His Word from Adam.

13 And Adam and Eve worshipped the Lord, and returned from the river ofwater to the cave. It was noon-day; and when they drew near to thecave, they saw a large fire by it.

* This phrase indicates that the bleeding will take place in anelevated position above the populace. This is believed to be areference to the cross whereby Christ bled profusely above the peoplebelow.

** Golgotha (goal-goth-uh) was the hill outside the walls of Jerusalemwhere Jesus was crucified. Its exact location is not precisely known,but the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is believed to have beenconstructed on this hill.

*** Reference: John 6:25 and 7:38

Chapter XLIII - The Devil attempts arson.

1 Then Adam and Eve were afraid, and stood still. And Adam said toEve, "What is that fire by our cave? We have done nothing in it tocause this fire.

2 We neither have bread to bake therein, nor broth to cook there. Asto this fire, we have never known anything like it, neither do we knowwhat to call it.

3 But ever since God sent the cherub with a sword of fire that flashedand lightened in his hand, from fear of which we fell down and werelike corpses, have we not seen the like.

4 But now, O Eve, behold, this is the same fire that was in thecherub's hand, which God has sent to keep the cave in which we live.

5 O Eve, it is because God is angry with us, and will drive us from it.

6 O Eve, we have again transgressed His commandment in that cave, sothat He had sent this fire to burn around it, and to prevent us fromgoing into it.

7 If this be really so, O Eve, where shall we live? And where shall weflee from before the face of the Lord? Since, in regards to thegarden, He will not let us live in it, and He has deprived us of thegood things thereof; but He has placed us in this cave, in which wehave borne darkness, trials and hardships, until at last we have foundcomfort therein.

8 But now that He has brought us out into another land, who knows whatmay happen in it? And who knows but that the darkness of that land maybe far greater than the darkness of this land?

9 Who knows what may happen in that land by day or by night? And whoknows whether it will be far or near, O Eve? Where it will please Godto put us, may be far from the garden, O Eve? Or where God willprevent us from beholding Him, because we have transgressed Hiscommandment, and because we have made requests of Him at all times?

10 O Eve, if God will bring us into a strange land other than this, inwhich we find consolation, it must be to put our souls to death, andblot out our name from the face of the earth.

11 O Eve, if we are further alienated from the garden and from God,where shall we find Him again, and ask Him to give us gold, incense,myrrh, and some fruit of the fig-tree?

12 Where shall we find Him, to comfort us a second time? Where shallwe find Him, that He may think of us, as regards the covenant He hasmade on our behalf?"

13 Then Adam said no more. And they kept looking, He and Eve, towardsthe cave, and at the fire that flared up around it.

14 But that fire was from Satan. For he had gathered trees and drygrasses, and had carried and brought them to the cave, and had set fireto them, in order to consume the cave and what was in it.

15 So that Adam and Eve should be left in sorrow, and he should cut offtheir trust in God, and make them deny Him.

16 But by the mercy of God he could not burn the cave, for God sent Hisangel around the cave to guard it from such a fire, until it went out.

17 And this fire lasted from noon-day until the break of day. That wasthe forty-fifth day.

Chapter XLIV - The power of fire over man.

1 Yet Adam and Eve were standing and looking at the fire, and unable tocome near the cave from their dread of the fire.

2 And Satan kept on bringing trees and throwing them into the fire,until the flames of the fire rose up on high, and covered the wholecave, thinking, as he did in his own mind, to consume the cave withmuch fire. But the angel of the Lord was guarding it.

3 And yet he could not curse Satan, nor injure him by word, because hehad no authority over him, neither did he take to doing so with wordsfrom his mouth.

4 Therefore the angel tolerated him, without saying one bad word, untilthe Word of God came who said to Satan, "Go away from here; once beforeyou deceived My servants, and this time you seek to destroy them.

5 Were it not for My mercy I would have destroyed you and your hostsfrom off the earth. But I have had patience with you, until the end ofthe world."

6 Then Satan fled from before the Lord. But the fire went on burningaround the cave like a coal-fire the whole day; which was theforty-sixth day Adam and Eve had spent since they came out of thegarden.

7 And when Adam and Eve saw that the heat of the fire had somewhatcooled down, they began to walk towards the cave to get into it as theyusually did; but they could not, by reason of the heat of the fire.

8 Then they both began crying because of the fire that separated themfrom the cave, and that came towards them, burning. And they wereafraid.

9 Then Adam said to Eve, "See this fire of which we have a portion inus: which formerly yielded to us, but no longer does so, now that wehave transgressed the limit of creation, and changed our condition, andour nature is altered. But the fire is not changed in its nature, noraltered from its creation. Therefore it now has power over us; andwhen we come near it, it scorches our flesh."

Chapter XLV - Why Satan didn't fulfil his promises. Description ofhell.

1 Then Adam rose and prayed to God, saying, "See, this fire hasseparated us from the cave in which You have commanded us to live; butnow, behold, we cannot go into it."

2 Then God heard Adam, and sent him His Word, that said:—

3 "O Adam, see this fire! How different the flame and heat thereof arefrom the garden of delights and the good things in it!

4 When you were under My control, all creatures yielded to you; butafter you have transgressed My commandment, they all rise over you."

5 God said again to him, "See, O Adam, how Satan has exalted you! Hehas deprived you of the Godhead, and of an exalted state like Me, andhas not kept his word to you; but has, after all, become your enemy.He is the one who made this fire in which he meant to burn you and Eve.

6 Why, O Adam, has he not kept his agreement with you, not even oneday; but has deprived you of the glory that was on you—when youyielded to his command?

7 Do you think, Adam, that he loved you when he made this agreementwith you? Or that he loved you and wished to raise you on high?

8 But no, Adam, he did not do all that out of love to you; but hewished to make you come out of light into darkness; and from an exaltedstate to degradation; from glory to abasem*nt; from joy to sorrow; andfrom rest to fasting and fainting."

9 God also said to Adam, "See this fire kindled by Satan around yourcave; see this wonder that surrounds you; and know that it willencompass about both you and your descendants, when you obey hiscommand; that he will plague you with fire; and that you will go downinto hell after you are dead.

10 Then you will see the burning of his fire, that will be burningaround you and likewise your descendants. You will not be deliveredfrom it until My coming; just like you cannot go into your cave rightnow because of the great fire around it; not until My Word comes andmakes a way for you on the day My covenant is fulfilled.

11 There is no way for you at present to come from this life to rest,not until My Word comes, who is My Word. Then He will make a way foryou, and you shall have rest." Then God called with His Word to thefire that burned around the cave, that it split itself in half, untilAdam had gone through it. Then the fire parted itself by God's order,and a way was made for Adam*.

12 And God withdrew His Word from Adam.

* Reference: Exodus 14:21,22 and Joshua 3:15-17

Chapter XLVI - "How many times have I delivered you out of his hand . .."

1 Then Adam and Eve began again to come into the cave. And when theycame to the way between the fire, Satan blew into the fire like awhirlwind, and caused the burning coal-fire to cover Adam and Eve; sothat their bodies were singed; and the coal-fire scorched them*.

2 And from the burning of the fire Adam and Eve screamed, and said, "OLord, save us! Leave us not to be consumed and plagued by this burningfire; neither require us for having transgressed Your commandment."

3 Then God looked at their bodies, on which Satan had caused fire toburn, and God sent His angel that stayed the burning fire. But thewounds remained on their bodies.

4 And God said to Adam, "See Satan's love for you, who pretended togive you the Godhead and greatness; and, behold, he burns you withfire, and seeks to destroy you from off the earth.

5 Then look at Me, O Adam; I created you, and how many times have Idelivered you out of his hand? If not, wouldn't he have destroyedyou?"

6 God said again to Eve, "What is that he promised you in the garden,saying, 'As soon as you eat from the tree, your eyes will be opened,and you shall become like gods, knowing good and evil.' But look! Hehas burnt your bodies with fire, and has made you taste the taste offire, for the taste of the garden; and has made you see the burning offire, and the evil of it, and the power it has over you.

7 Your eyes have seen the good he has taken from you, and in truth hehas opened your eyes; and you have seen the garden in which you werewith Me, and you have also seen the evil that has come over you fromSatan. But as to the Godhead he cannot give it to you, neither fulfilhis speech to you. No, he was bitter against you and your descendants,that will come after you."

8 And God withdrew His Word form them.

* At this time, the garments that the Lord had given them in Genesis3:21 were burned off so that Adam and Eve were again naked. Referencechapter L whereby Adam and Eve seek garments with which to cover theirnakedness..

Chapter XLVII - The Devil's own Scheming.

1 Then Adam and Eve came into the cave, yet trembling at the fire thathad scorched their bodies. So Adam said to Eve:—

2 "Look, the fire has burnt our flesh in this world; but how will it bewhen we are dead, and Satan shall punish our souls? Is not ourdeliverance long and far off, unless God come, and in mercy to usfulfil His promise?"

3 Then Adam and Eve passed into the cave, blessing themselves forcoming into it once more. For it was in their thoughts, that theynever should enter it, when they saw the fire around it.

4 But as the sun was setting the fire was still burning and nearingAdam and Eve in the cave, so that they could not sleep in it. Afterthe sun had set, they went out of it. This was the forty-seventh dayafter they came out of the garden.

5 Adam and Eve then came under the top of hill by the garden to sleep,as they were accustomed.

6 And they stood and prayed God to forgive them their sins, and thenfell asleep under the summit of the mountain.

7 But Satan, the hater of all good, thought within himself: "WhereasGod has promised salvation to Adam by covenant, and that He woulddeliver him out of all the hardships that have befallen him—but hasnot promised me by covenant, and will not deliver me out of myhardships; no, since He has promised him that He should make him andhis descendants live in the kingdom in which I once was—I will killAdam.

8 The earth shall be rid of him; and shall be left to me alone; so thatwhen he is dead he may not have any descendants left to inherit thekingdom that shall remain my own realm; God will then be wanting me,and He will restore it to me and my hosts."

Chapter XLVIII - Fifth apparition of Satan to Adam and Eve.

1 After this Satan called to his hosts, all of which came to him, andsaid to him:—

2 "O, our lord, what will you do?"

3 He then said to them, "You know that this Adam, whom God created outof the dust, is the one who has taken our kingdom, come, let us gathertogether and kill him; or hurl a rock at him and at Eve, and crush themunder it."

4 When Satan's hosts heard these words, they came to the part of themountain where Adam and Eve were asleep.

5 Then Satan and his host took a huge rock, broad and even, and withoutblemish, thinking within himself, "If there should be a hole in therock, when it fell on them, the hole in the rock might come over them,and so they would escape and not die."

6 He then said to his hosts, "Take up this stone, and throw it flat onthem, so that it doesn't roll off them to somewhere else. And when youhave hurled it, get away from there quickly."

7 And they did as he told them. But as the rock fell down from themountain toward Adam and Eve, God commanded the rock to become a domeover them*, that did them no harm. And so it was by God's order.

8 But when the rock fell, the whole earth quaked with it**, and wasshaken from the size of the rock.

9 And as it quaked and shook, Adam and Eve awoke from sleep, and foundthemselves under a dome of rock. But they didn't know what hadhappened; because when the fell asleep they were under the sky, and notunder a dome; and when they saw it, they were afraid.

10 Then Adam said to Eve, "Wherefore has the mountain bent itself, andthe earth quaked and shaken on our account? And why has this rockspread itself over us like a tent?

11 Does God intend to plague us and to shut us up in this prison? Orwill He close the earth over us?

12 He is angry with us for our having come out of the cave, without Hisorder; and for our having done so of our own accord, without consultingHim, when we left the cave and came to this place."

13 Then Eve said, "If, indeed, the earth quaked for our sake, and thisrock forms a tent over us because of our transgression, then we will besorry, O Adam, because our punishment will be long.

14 But get up and pray to God to let us know concerning this, and whatthis rock is that is spread over us like a tent."

15 Then Adam stood up and prayed before the Lord, to let him know whathad brought about this difficult time. And Adam stood praying likethat until the morning.

* The word "dome" is used here but the text does not specificallysuggest that the covering was round—only that it covered them on allsides, however a dome is the most likely shape that would have be ableto withstand the impact with the ground. From verse 9 that says "whenthey saw it" and verse 11 that says "shut us up in this prison", we canconclude that the dome had holes in its sides that were big enough tolet in light and air but were too small to allow Adam and Eve toescape. Another conclusion would be that the holes were large but toohigh up for Adam and Eve to reach, however the former is more likely.

** In verse 7 of the next chapter (XLIX), God tells Adam and Eve thatthe ground was also lowered under them—"I commanded… the rockunder you to lower itself".

Chapter XLIX - The first prophecy of the Resurrection.

1 Then the Word of God came and said:—

2 "O Adam, who counselled you, when you came out of the cave, to cometo this place?"

3 And Adam said to God, "O Lord, we came to this place because of theheat of the fire, that came over us inside the cave."

4 Then the Lord God said to Adam, "O Adam, you dread the heat of firefor one night, but how will it be when you live in hell?

5 Yet, O Adam, don't be afraid, and don't believe that I have placedthis dome of rock over you to plague you with it.

6 It came from Satan, who had promised you the Godhead and majesty. Itis he who threw down this rock to kill you under it, and Eve with you,and thus to prevent you from living on the earth.

7 But, in mercy for you, just as that rock was falling down on you, Icommanded it to form an dome over you; and the rock under you to loweritself.

8 And this sign, O Adam, will happen to Me at My coming on earth: Satanwill raise the people of the Jews to put Me to death; and they will layMe in a rock, and seal a large stone over Me, and I shall remain withinthat rock three days and three nights.

9 But on the third day I shall rise again, and it shall be salvation toyou, O Adam, and to your descendants, to believe in Me. But, O Adam, Iwill not bring you from under this rock until three days and threenights have passed."

10 And God withdrew His Word from Adam.

11 But Adam and Eve lived under the rock three days and three nights,as God had told them.

12 And God did so to them because they had left their cave and had cometo this same place without God's order.

13 But, after three days and three nights, God created an opening inthe dome of rock and allowed them to get out from under it. Theirflesh was dried up, and their eyes and hearts were troubled from cryingand sorrow.

Chapter L - Adam and Eve seek to cover their nakedness.

1 Then Adam and Eve went forth and came into the Cave of Treasures, andthey stood praying in it the whole of that day, until the evening.

2 And this took place at the end of the fifty days after they had leftthe garden.

3 But Adam and Eve rose again and prayed to God in the cave the wholeof that night, and begged for mercy from Him.

4 And when the day dawned, Adam said to Eve, "Come! Let us go and dosome work for our bodies."

5 So they went out of the cave, and came to the northern border of thegarden, and they looked for something to cover their bodies with*. Butthey found nothing, and knew not how to do the work. Yet their bodieswere stained, and they were speechless from cold and heat.

6 Then Adam stood and asked God to show him something with which tocover their bodies.

7 Then came the Word of God and said to him, "O Adam, take Eve and cometo the seashore where you fasted before. There you will find skins ofsheep that were left after lions ate the carcasses. Take them and makegarments for yourselves, and clothe yourselves with them.

* Chapter XLVI, verse 1, says "Satan blew into the fire ... so thattheir bodies were singed". At this time, the garments that the Lordhad given them in Genesis 3:21 were burned off so that Adam and Evewere again naked.

Chapter LI - "What is his beauty that you should have followed him?"

1 When Adam heard these words from God, he took Eve and went from thenorthern end of the garden to the south of it, by the river of waterwhere they once fasted.

2 But as they were going on their way, and before they got there,Satan, the wicked one, had heard the Word of God communing with Adamrespecting his covering.

3 It grieved him, and he hastened to the place where the sheep-skinswere, with the intention of taking them and throwing them into the sea,or of burning them with fire, so that Adam and Eve would not find them.

4 But as he was about to take them, the Word of God came from heaven,and bound him by the side of those skins until Adam and Eve came nearhim. But as they got closer to him they were afraid of him, and of hishideous look.

5 Then came the Word of God to Adam and Eve, and said to them, "This ishe who was hidden in the serpent, and who deceived you, and strippedyou of the garment of light and glory in which you were.

6 This is he who promised you majesty and divinity. Where, then, isthe beauty that was on him? Where is his divinity? Where is hislight? Where is the glory that rested on him?

7 Now his figure is hideous; he is become abominable among angels; andhe has come to be called Satan.

8 O Adam, he wished to take from you this earthly garment ofsheep-skins, and to destroy it, and not let you be covered with it.

9 What, then, is his beauty that you should have followed him? Andwhat have you gained by obeying him? See his evil works and then lookat Me; at Me, your Creator, and at the good deeds I do you.

10 See, I bound him until you came and saw him and beheld his weakness,that no power is left with him."

11 And God released him from his bonds.

Chapter LII - Adam and Eve sew the first shirt.

1 After this Adam and Eve said no more, but cried before God on accountof their creation, and of their bodies that required an earthlycovering.

2 Then Adam said to Eve, "O Eve, this is the skin of beasts with whichwe shall be covered, but when we put it on, behold, we shall bewearing a token of death on our bodies. Just as the owners of theseskins have died and have wasted away, so also shall we die and passaway."

3 Then Adam and Eve took the skins, and went back to the Cave ofTreasures; and when in it, they stood and prayed as they wereaccustomed.

4 And they thought how they could make garments of those skins; forthey had no skill for it.

5 Then God sent to them His angel to show them how to work it out. Andthe angel said to Adam, "Go forth, and bring some palm-thorns." ThenAdam went out, and brought some, as the angel had commanded him.

6 Then the angel began before them to work out the skins, after themanner of one who prepares a shirt. And he took the thorns and stuckthem into the skins, before their eyes.

7 Then the angel again stood up and prayed God that the thorns in thoseskins should be hidden, so as to be, as it were, sewn with one thread.

8 And so it was, by God's order; they became garments for Adam and Eve,and He clothed them therewith.

9 From that time the nakedness of their bodies was covered from thesight of each other's eyes.

10 And this happened at the end of the fifty-first day.

11 Then when Adam's and Eve's bodies were covered, they stood andprayed, and sought mercy of the Lord, and forgiveness, and gave Himthanks for that He had had mercy on them, and had covered theirnakedness. And they ceased not from prayer the whole of that night.

12 Then when the morning dawned at the rising of the sun, they saidtheir prayers after their custom; and then went out of the cave.

13 And Adam said to Eve, "Since we don't know what there is to the westof this cave, let us go out and see it today." Then they came forth andwent toward the western border.

Chapter LIII - The prophecy of the Western Lands and of the great flood.

1 They were not very far from the cave, when Satan came towards them,and hid himself between them and the cave, under the form of tworavenous lions three days without food, that came towards Adam and Eve,as if to break them in pieces and devour them.

2 Then Adam and Eve cried, and prayed God to deliver them from theirpaws.

3 Then the Word of God came to them, and drove away the lions from them.

4 And God said to Adam, "O Adam, what do you seek on the westernborder? And why have you left of thine own accord the eastern border,in which was your living place?

5 Now then, turn back to your cave, and remain in it, so that Satanwon't deceive you or work his purpose over you.

6 For in this western border, O Adam, there will go from you adescendant, that shall replenish it; and that will defile themselveswith their sins, and with their yielding to the commands of Satan, andby following his works.

7 Therefore will I bring over them the waters of a flood, and overwhelmthem all. But I will deliver what is left of the righteous among them;and I will bring them to a distant land, and the land in which you livenow shall remain desolate and without one inhabitant in it.

8 After God had thus spoken to them, they went back to the Cave ofTreasures. But their flesh was dried up, and they were weak fromfasting and praying, and from the sorrow they felt at having trespassedagainst God.

Chapter LIV - Adam and Eve go exploring.

1 Then Adam and Eve stood up in the cave and prayed the whole of thatnight until the morning dawned. And when the sun was risen they bothwent out of the cave; their heads were wandering from heaviness ofsorrow and they didn't know where they were going.

2 And they walked in that condition to the southern border of thegarden. And they began to go up that border until they came to theeastern border beyond which there was no more land.

3 And the cherub who guarded the garden was standing at the westerngate, and guarding it against Adam and Eve, lest they should suddenlycome into the garden. And the cherub turned around, as if to put themto death; according to the commandment God had given him.

4 When Adam and Eve came to the eastern border of the garden—thinkingin their hearts that the cherub was not watching—as they were standingby the gate as if wishing to go in, suddenly came the cherub with aflashing sword of fire in his hand; and when he saw them, he went forthto kill them. For he was afraid that God would destroy him if theywent into the garden without His order.

5 And the sword of the cherub seemed to shoot flames a distance awayfrom it. But when he raised it over Adam and Eve, the flame of thesword did not flash forth.

6 Therefore the cherub thought that God was favorable to them, and wasbringing them back into the garden. And the cherub stood wondering.

7 He could not go up to Heaven to determine God's order regarding theirgetting into the garden; he therefore continued to stand by them,unable as he was to part from them; for he was afraid that if theyshould enter the garden without permission, God would destroy him.

8 When Adam and Eve saw the cherub coming towards them with a flamingsword of fire in his hand, they fell on their faces from fear, and wereas dead.

9 At that time the heavens and the earth shook; and another cherubimcame down from heaven to the cherub who guarded the garden, and saw himamazed and silent.

10 Then, again, other angels came down close to the place where Adamand Eve were. They were divided between joy and sorrow.

11 They were glad, because they thought that God was favorable to Adam,and wished him to return to the garden; and wished to restore him tothe gladness he once enjoyed.

12 But they sorrowed over Adam, because he was fallen like a dead man,he and Eve; and they said in their thoughts, "Adam has not died in thisplace; but God has put him to death, for his having come to this place,and wishing to get into the garden without His permission."

Chapter LV - The Conflict between God and Satan.

1 Then came the Word of God to Adam and Eve, and raised them from theirdead state, saying to them, "Why did you come up here? Do you intendto go into the garden, from which I brought you out? It cannot betoday; but only when the covenant I have made with you is fulfilled."

2 Then Adam, when he heard the Word of God, and the fluttering of theangels whom he did not see, but only heard the sound of them with hisears, he and Eve cried, and said to the angels:—

3 "O Spirits, who wait on God, look at me, and at my being unable tosee you! For when I was in my former bright nature, then I could seeyou. I sang praises as you do; and my heart was far above you.

4 But now, that I have transgressed, that bright nature is gone fromme, and I am come to this miserable state. And now I have come tothis, that I cannot see you, and you do not serve me like you used todo. For I have become animal flesh.

5 Yet now, O angels of God, ask God with me, to restore me to thatwherein I was formerly; to rescue me from this misery, and to removefrom me the sentence of death He passed on me, for having trespassedagainst Him."

6 Then, when the angels heard these words, they all grieved over him;and cursed Satan who had misled Adam, until he came from the garden tomisery; from life to death; from peace to trouble; and from gladness toa strange land.

7 Then the angels said to Adam, "You obeyed Satan, and ignored the Wordof God who created you; and you believed that Satan would fulfil all hehad promised you.

8 But now, O Adam, we will make known to you, what came over us thoughhim, before his fall from heaven.

9 He gathered together his hosts, and deceived them, promising to givethem a great kingdom, a divine nature; and other promises he made them.

10 His hosts believed that his word was true, so they yielded to him,and renounced the glory of God.

11 He then sent for us—according to the orders in which we were—tocome under his command, and to accept his vein promise. But we wouldnot, and we did not take his advice.

12 Then after he had fought with God, and had dealt forwardly with Him,he gathered together his hosts, and made war with us. And if it hadnot been for God's strength that was with us, we could not haveprevailed against him to hurl him from heaven.

13 But when he fell from among us, there was great joy in heaven,because of his going down from us. For if he had remained in heaven,nothing, not even one angel would have remained in it.

14 But God in His mercy, drove him from among us to this dark earth;for he had become darkness itself and a worker of unrighteousness.

15 And he has continued, O Adam, to make war against you, until hetricked you and made you come out of the garden, to this strange land,where all these trials have come to you. And death, which God broughtto him, he has also brought to you, O Adam, because you obeyed him, andtrespassed against God."

16 Then all the angels rejoiced and praised God, and asked Him not todestroy Adam this time, for his having sought to enter the garden; butto bear with him until the fulfillment of the promise; and to help himin this world until he was free from Satan's hand.

Chapter LVI - A chapter of divine comfort.

1 Then came the Word of God to Adam, and said to him:—

2 "O Adam, look at that garden of joy and at this earth of toil, andbehold the garden is full of angels, but look at yourself alone on thisearth with Satan whom you obeyed.

3 Yet, if you had submitted, and been obedient to Me, and had kept MyWord, you would be with My angels in My garden.

4 But when you transgressed and obeyed Satan, you became his guestsamong his angels, that are full of wickedness; and you came to thisearth, that brings forth to you thorns and thistles.

5 O Adam, ask him who deceived you, to give you the divine nature hepromised you, or to make you a garden as I had made for you; or to fillyou with that same bright nature with which I had filled you.

6 Ask him to make you a body like the one I made you, or to give you aday of rest as I gave you; or to create within you a reasonable soul,as I created for you; or to take you from here to some other earth thanthis one which I gave you. But, O Adam, he will not fulfil even one ofthe things he told you.

7 Acknowledge, then, My favor towards you, and My mercy on you, Mycreature; that I have not avenged you for your transgression againstMe, but in My pity for you I have promised you that at the end of thegreat five and a half days I will come and save you."

8 Then God said again to Adam and Eve, "Get up, go down from here,before the cherub with a sword of fire in his hand destroys you."

9 But Adam's heart was comforted by God's words to him, and heworshipped before Him.

10 And God commanded His angels to escort Adam and Eve to the cave withjoy, instead of the fear that had come over them.

11 Then the angels took up Adam and Eve, and brought them down from themountain by the garden, with songs and psalms, until they arrived atthe cave. There the angels began to comfort and to strengthen them,and then departed from them towards heaven, to their Creator, who hadsent them.

12 But after the angels had departed from Adam and Eve, Satan came withshamefacedness, and stood at the entrance of the cave in which wereAdam and Eve. He then called to Adam, and said, "O Adam, come, let mespeak to you."

13 Then Adam came out of the cave, thinking he was one of God's angelsthat was come to give him some good counsel.

Chapter LVII - "Therefore I fell.… "

1 But when Adam came out and saw his hideous figure, he was afraid ofhim, and said to him, "Who are you?"

2 Then Satan answered and said to him, "It is I, who hid myself withinthe serpent, and who spoke to Eve, and who enticed her until she obeyedmy command. I am he who sent her, using my deceitful speech, todeceive you, until you both ate of the fruit of the tree and abandonedthe command of God."

3 But when Adam heard these words from him, he said to him, "Can youmake me a garden as God made for me? Or can you clothe me in the samebright nature in which God had clothed me?

4 Where is the divine nature you promised to give me? Where is thatslick speech of yours that you had with us at first, when we were inthe garden?"

5 Then Satan said to Adam, "Do you think that when I have promised onesomething that I would actually deliver it to him or fulfil my word?Of course not. For I myself have never even thought of obtaining whatI promised.

6 Therefore I fell, and I made you fall by that for which I myselffell; and with you also, whosoever accepts my counsel, falls thereby.

7 But now, O Adam, because you fell you are under my rule, and I amking over you; because you have obeyed me and have transgressed againstyour God. Neither will there be any deliverance from my hands untilthe day promised you by your God."

8 Again he said, "Because we do not know the day agreed on with you byyour God, nor the hour in which you shall be delivered, for that reasonwe will multiply war and murder on you and your descendants after you.

9 This is our will and our good pleasure, that we may not leave one ofthe sons of men to inherit our orders in heaven.

10 For as to our home, O Adam, it is in burning fire; and we will notstop our evil doing, no, not one day nor one hour. And I, O Adam,shall set you on fire when you come into the cave to live there."

11 When Adam heard these words he cried and mourned, and said to Eve,"Hear what he said; that he won't fulfil any of what he told you in thegarden. Did he really then become king over us?

12 But we will ask God, who created us, to deliver us out of his hands."

Chapter LVIII - "About sunset on the 53rd day. . ."

1 Then Adam and Eve spread their hands before God, praying and beggingHim to drive Satan away from them so that he can't harm them or forcethem to deny God.

2 Then God sent to them at once, His angel, who drove away Satan fromthem. This happened about sunset, on the fifty-third day after theyhad come out of the garden.

3 Then Adam and Eve went into the cave, and stood up and turned theirfaces to the ground, to pray to God.

4 But before they prayed Adam said to Eve, "Look, you have seen whattemptations have befallen us in this land. Come, let us get up, andask God to forgive us the sins we have committed; and we will not comeout until the end of the day next to the fortieth. And if we die inhere, He will save us."

5 Then Adam and Eve got up, and joined together in entreating God.

6 They continued praying like this in the cave; neither did they comeout of it, by night or by day, until their prayers went up out of theirmouths, like a flame of fire.

Chapter LIX - Eighth apparition of Satan of Satan to Adam and Eve.

1 But Satan, the hater of all good, did not allow them to finish theirprayers. For he called to his hosts, and they came, all of them. Thenhe said to them, "Since Adam and Eve, whom we deceived, have agreedtogether to pray to God night and day, and to beg Him to deliver them,and since they will not come out of the cave until the end of thefortieth day.

2 And since they will continue their prayers as they have both agreedto do, that He will deliver them out of our hands, and restore them totheir former state, see what we shall do to them." And his hosts saidto him, "Power is thine, O our lord, to do what you list."

3 Then Satan, great in wickedness, took his hosts and came into thecave, in the thirtieth night of the forty days and one; and he beatAdam and Eve, until he left them dead.

4 Then came the Word of God to Adam and Eve, who raised them from theirsuffering, and God said to Adam, "Be strong, and be not afraid of himwho has just come to you."

5 But Adam cried and said, "Where were you, O my God, that they shouldpunish me with such blows, and that this suffering should come over us;over me and over Eve, Your handmaiden?"

6 Then God said to him, "O Adam, see, he is lord and master of all youhave, he who said, he would give you divinity. Where is this love foryou? And where is the gift he promised?

7 Did it please him just once, O Adam, to come to you, comfort you,strengthen you, rejoice with you, or send his hosts to protect you;because you have obeyed him, and have yielded to his counsel; and havefollowed his commandment and transgressed Mine?"

8 Then Adam cried before the Lord, and said, "O Lord because Itransgressed a little, You have severely punished me in return for it,I ask You to deliver me out of his hands; or else have pity on me, andtake my soul out of my body now in this strange land."

9 Then God said to Adam, "If only there had been this sighing andpraying before, before you transgressed! Then would you have rest fromthe trouble in which you are now."

10 But God had patience with Adam, and let him and Eve remain in thecave until they had fulfilled the forty days.

11 But as to Adam and Eve, their strength and flesh withered fromfasting and praying, from hunger and thirst; for they had not tastedeither food or drink since they left the garden; nor were the functionsof their bodies yet settled; and they had no strength left to continuein prayer from hunger, until the end of the next day to the fortieth.They were fallen down in the cave; yet what speech escaped from theirmouths, was only in praises.

Chapter LX - The Devil appears like an old man. He offers "a place ofrest."

1 Then on the eighty-ninth day, Satan came to the cave, clad in agarment of light, and girt about with a bright girdle.

2 In his hands was a staff of light, and he looked most awful; but hisface was pleasant and his speech was sweet.

3 He thus transformed himself in order to deceive Adam and Eve, and tomake them come out of the cave, before they had fulfilled the fortydays.

4 For he said within himself, "Now that when they had fulfilled theforty days' fasting and praying, God would restore them to their formerstate; but if He did not do so, He would still be favorable to them;and even if He had not mercy on them, would He yet give them somethingfrom the garden to comfort them; as already twice before."

5 Then Satan drew near the cave in this fair appearance, and said:—

6 "O Adam, get up, stand up, you and Eve, and come along with me, to agood land; and don't be afraid. I am flesh and bones like you; and atfirst I was a creature that God created.

7 And it was so, that when He had created me, He placed me in a gardenin the north, on the border of the world.

8 And He said to me, 'Stay here!' And I remained there according toHis Word, neither did I transgress His commandment.

9 Then He made a slumber to come over me, and He brought you, O Adam,out of my side, but did not make you stay with me.

10 But God took you in His divine hand, and placed you in a garden tothe eastward.

11 Then I worried about you, for that while God had taken you out of myside, He had not let you stay with me.

12 But God said to me: 'Do not worry about Adam, whom I brought out ofyour side; no harm will come to him.

13 For now I have brought out of his side a help-meet* for him; and Ihave given him joy by so doing.'"

14 Then Satan said again, "I did not know how it is you are in thiscave, nor anything about this trial that has come over you—until Godsaid to me, 'Behold, Adam has transgressed, he whom I had taken out ofyour side, and Eve also, whom I took out of his side; and I have driventhem out of the garden; I have made them live in a land of sorrow andmisery, because they transgressed against Me, and have obeyed Satan.And look, they are in suffering until this day, the eightieth.'

15 Then God said to me, 'Get up, go to them, and make them come to yourplace, and suffer not that Satan come near them, and afflict them. Forthey are now in great misery; and lie helpless from hunger.'

16 He further said to me, 'When you have taken them to yourself, givethem to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life, and give them to drink ofthe water of peace; and clothe them in a garment of light, and restorethem to their former state of grace, and leave them not in misery, forthey came from you. But grieve not over them, nor repent of that whichhas come over them.

17 But when I heard this, I was sorry; and my heart could not patientlybear it for your sake, O my child.

18 But, O Adam, when I heard the name of Satan, I was afraid, and Isaid within myself, I will not come out because he might trap me as hedid my children, Adam and Eve.

19 And I said, 'O God, when I go to my children, Satan will meet me inthe way, and war against me, as he did against them.'

20 Then God said to me, 'Fear not; when you find him, hit him with thestaff that is in thine hand, and don't be afraid of him, for you are ofold standing, and he shall not prevail against you.'

21 Then I said, 'O my Lord, I am old, and cannot go. Send Your angelsto bring them.'

22 But God said to me, 'Angels, verily, are not like them; and theywill not consent to come with them. But I have chosen you, becausethey are your offspring and are like you, and they will listen to whatyou say.'

23 God said further to me, 'If you don't have enough strength to walk,I will send a cloud to carry you and set you down at the entrance oftheir cave; then the cloud will return and leave you there.

24 And if they will come with you, I will send a cloud to carry you andthem.'

25 Then He commanded a cloud, and it bear me up and brought me to you;and then went back.

26 And now, O my children, Adam and Eve, look at my old gray hair andat my feeble state, and at my coming from that distant place. Come,come with me, to a place of rest."

27 Then he began to cry and to sob before Adam and Eve, and his tearspoured on the ground like water.

28 And when Adam and Eve raised their eyes and saw his beard, and heardhis sweet talk, their hearts softened towards him; they obeyed him, forthey believed he was true.

29 And it seemed to them that they were really his offspring, when theysaw that his face was like their own; and they trusted him.

* The existence of the two words helpmeet and helpmate, meaning exactlythe same thing, is a comedy of errors. God's promise to Adam, asrendered in the King James version of the Bible, was to give him anhelp meet for him (that is, a helper fit for him). In the 17th centurythe two words help and meet in this passage were mistaken for one word,applying to Eve, and thus helpmeet came to mean a wife. Then in the18th century, in a misguided attempt to make sense of the word, thespelling helpmate was introduced. Both errors are now beyond recall,and both spellings are acceptable.

Chapter LXI - They begin to follow Satan.

1 Then he took Adam and Eve by the hand, and began to bring them out ofthe cave.

2 But when they had come a little ways out of it, God knew that Satanhad overcome them, and had brought them out before the forty days wereended, to take them to some distant place, and to destroy them.

3 Then the Word of the Lord God again came and cursed Satan, and drovehim away from them.

4 And God began to speak to Adam and Eve, saying to them, "What madeyou come out of the cave, to this place?"

5 Then Adam said to God, "Did you create a man before us? For when wewere in the cave there suddenly came to us a friendly old man who saidto us, 'I am a messenger from God to you, to bring you back to someplace of rest.'

6 And we believed, O God, that he was a messenger from you; and we cameout with him; and knew not where we should go with him."

7 Then God said to Adam, "See, that is the father of evil arts, whobrought you and Eve out of the Garden of Delights. And now, indeed,when he saw that you and Eve both joined together in fasting andpraying, and that you came not out of the cave before the end of theforty days, he wished to make your purpose vein, to break your mutualbond; to cut off all hope from you, and to drive you to some placewhere he might destroy you.

8 Because he couldn't do anything to you unless he showed himself inthe likeness of you.

9 Therefore he came to you with a face like your own, and began to giveyou tokens as if they were all true.

10 But because I am merciful and am favorable to you, I did not allowhim to destroy you; instead I drove him away from you.

11 Now, therefore, O Adam, take Eve, and return to your cave, andremain in it until the morning after the fortieth day. And when youcome out, go towards the eastern gate of the garden."

12 Then Adam and Eve worshipped God, and praised and blessed Him forthe deliverance that had come to them from Him. And they returnedtowards the cave. This happened in the evening of the thirty-ninth day.

13 Then Adam and Eve stood up and with a fiery passion, prayed to God,to give them strength; for they had become weak because of hunger andthirst and prayer. But they watched the whole of that night praying,until morning.

14 Then Adam said to Eve, "Get up, let us go towards the eastern gateof the garden as God told us."

15 And they said their prayers as they were accustomed to do every day;and they left the cave to go near to the eastern gate of the garden.

16 Then Adam and Eve stood up and prayed, and appealed to God tostrengthen them, and to send them something to satisfy their hunger.

17 But after they finished their prayers, they were too weak to move.

18 Then came the Word of God again, and said to them, "O Adam, get up,go and bring the two figs here."

19 Then Adam and Eve got up, and went until they came near to the cave.

Chapter LXII - Two fruit trees.

1 But Satan the wicked was envious, because of the consolation God hadgiven them.

2 So he prevented them, and went into the cave and took the two figs,and buried them outside the cave, so that Adam and Eve should not findthem. He also had in his thoughts to destroy them.

3 But by God's mercy, as soon as those two figs were in the ground, Goddefeated Satan's counsel regarding them; and made them into two fruittrees, that overshadowed the cave. For Satan had buried them on theeastern side of it.

4 Then when the two trees were grown, and were covered with fruit,Satan grieved and mourned, and said, "It would have been better to haveleft those figs where they were; for now, behold, they have become twofruit trees, whereof Adam will eat all the days of his life. Whereas Ihad in mind, when I buried them, to destroy them entirely, and to hidethem forever.

5 But God has overturned my counsel; and would not that this sacredfruit should perish; and He has made plain my intention, and hasdefeated the counsel I had formed against His servants."

6 Then Satan went away ashamed because he hadn't thought his plans allthe way through.

Chapter LXIII - The first joy of trees.

1 But Adam and Eve, as they got closer to the cave, saw two fig trees,covered with fruit, and overshadowing the cave.

2 Then Adam said to Eve, "It seems to me that we have gone the wrongway. When did these two trees grow here? It seems to me that theenemy wishes to lead us the wrong way. Do you suppose that there isanother cave besides this one in the earth?

3 Yet, O Eve, let us go into the cave, and find in it the two figs; forthis is our cave, in which we were. But if we should not find the twofigs in it, then it cannot be our cave."

4 They went then into the cave, and looked into the four corners of it,but found not the two figs.

5 And Adam cried and said to Eve, "Did we go to the wrong cave, then, OEve? It seems to me these two fig trees are the two figs that were inthe cave." And Eve said, "I, for my part, do not know."

6 Then Adam stood up and prayed and said, "O God, You commanded us tocome back to the cave, to take the two figs, and then to return to you.

7 But now, we have not found them. O God, have you taken them, andsown these two trees, or have we gone astray in the earth; or has theenemy deceived us? If it be real, then, O God, reveal to us the secretof these two trees and of the two figs."

8 Then came the Word of God to Adam, and said to him, "O Adam, when Isent you to fetch the figs, Satan went before you to the cave, took thefigs, and buried them outside, eastward of the cave, thinking todestroy them; and not sowing them with good intent.

9 Not for his mere sake, then, have these trees grown up at once; but Ihad mercy on you and I commanded them to grow. And they grew to be twolarge trees, that you be overshadowed by their branches, and find rest;and that I made you see My power and My marvelous works.

10 And, also, to show you Satan's meanness, and his evil works, forever since you came out of the garden, he has not ceased, no, not oneday, from doing you some harm. But I have not given him power overyou."

11 And God said, "From now on, O Adam, rejoice on account of the trees,you and Eve; and rest under them when you feel weary. But do not eatany of their fruit or come near them."

12 Then Adam cried, and said, "O God, will You again kill us, or willYou drive us away from before Your face, and cut our life from off theface of the earth?

13 O God, I beg you, if You know that there be in these trees eitherdeath or some other evil, as at the first time, root them up from nearour cave, and with them; and leave us to die of the heat, of hunger andof thirst.

14 For we know Your marvelous works, O God, that they are great, andthat by Your power You can bring one thing out of another, withoutone's wish. For Your power can make rocks to become trees, and treesto become rocks."

Chapter LXIV - Adam and Eve partake of the first earthly food.

1 Then God looked at Adam and at his strength of mind, at his enduranceof hunger and thirst, and of the heat. And He changed the two figtrees into two figs, as they were at first, and then said to Adam andto Eve, "Each of you may take one fig." And they took them, as theLord commanded them.

2 And He said to them, "You must now go into the cave and eat the figs,and satisfy your hunger, or else you will die."

3 So, as God commanded them, they went into the cave about sunset. AndAdam and Eve stood up and prayed during the setting sun.

4 Then they sat down to eat the figs; but they knew not how to eatthem; for they were not accustomed to eat earthly food. They wereafraid that if they ate, their stomach would be burdened and theirflesh thickened, and their hearts would take to liking earthly food.

5 But while they were thus seated, God, out of pity for them, sent themHis angel, so they wouldn't perish of hunger and thirst.

6 And the angel said to Adam and Eve, "God says to you that you do nothave the strength that would be required to fast until death; eat,therefore, and strengthen your bodies; for you are now animal flesh andcannot subsist without food and drink."

7 Then Adam and Eve took the figs and began to eat of them. But Godhad put into them a mixture as of savory bread and blood.

8 Then the angel went from Adam and Eve, who ate of the figs until theyhad satisfied their hunger. Then they put aside what was left; but bythe power of God, the figs became whole again, because God blessed them.

9 After this Adam and Eve got up, and prayed with a joyful heart andrenewed strength, and praised and rejoiced abundantly the whole of thatnight. And this was the end of the eighty-third day.

Chapter LXV - Adam and Eve acquire digestive organs. Final hope ofreturning to the Garden is lost.

1 And when it was day, they got up and prayed, after their custom, andthen went out of the cave.

2 But they became sick from the food they had eaten because they werenot used to it, so they went about in the cave saying to each other:—

3 "What has our eating caused to happen to us, that we should be insuch pain? We are in misery, we shall die! It would have been betterfor us to have died keeping our bodies pure than to have eaten anddefiled them with food."

4 Then Adam said to Eve, "This pain did not come to us in the garden,neither did we eat such bad food there. Do you think, O Eve, that Godwill plague us through the food that is in us, or that our innards willcome out; or that God means to kill us with this pain before He hasfulfilled His promise to us?"

5 Then Adam besought the Lord and said, "O Lord, let us not perishthrough the food we have eaten. O Lord, don't punish us; but deal withus according to Your great mercy, and forsake us not until the day ofthe promise You have made us."

6 Then God looked at them, and then fitted them for eating food atonce; as to this day; so that they should not perish.

7 Then Adam and Eve came back into the cave sorrowful and cryingbecause of the alteration of their bodies. And they both knew fromthat hour that they were altered beings, that all hope of returning tothe garden was now lost; and that they could not enter it.

8 For that now their bodies had strange functions; and all flesh thatrequires food and drink for its existence, cannot be in the garden.

9 Then Adam said to Eve, "Behold, our hope is now lost; and so is ourtrust to enter the garden. We no longer belong to the inhabitants ofthe garden; but from now on we are earthy and of the dust, and of theinhabitants of the earth. We shall not return to the garden, until theday in which God has promised to save us, and to bring us again intothe garden, as He promised us."

10 Then they prayed to God that He would have mercy on them; afterwhich, their mind was quieted, their hearts were broken, and theirlonging was cooled down; and they were like strangers on earth. Thatnight Adam and Eve spent in the cave, where they slept heavily byreason of the food they had eaten.

Chapter LXVI - Adam does his first day's work.

1 When it was morning, the day after they had eaten food, Adam and Eveprayed in the cave, and Adam said to Eve, "Look, we asked for food ofGod, and He gave it. But now let us also ask Him to give us a drink ofwater."

2 Then they got up, and went to the bank of the stream of water, thatwas on the south border of the garden, in which they had before thrownthemselves. And they stood on the bank, and prayed to God that Hewould command them to drink of the water.

3 Then the Word of God came to Adam, and said to him, "O Adam, yourbody has become brutish, and requires water to drink. Take some anddrink it, you and Eve, then give thanks and praise."

4 Adam and Eve then went down to the stream and drank from it, untiltheir bodies felt refreshed. After having drunk, they praised God, andthen returned to their cave, after their former custom. This happenedat the end of eighty-three days.

5 Then on the eighty-fourth day, they took the two figs and hung themin the cave, together with the leaves thereof, to be to them a sign anda blessing from God. And they placed them there so that if theirdescendants came there, they would see the wonderful things God haddone for them.

6 Then Adam and Eve again stood outside the cave, and asked God to showthem some food with which they could nourish their bodies.

7 Then the Word of God came and said to him, "O Adam, go down to thewestward of the cave until you come to a land of dark soil, and thereyou shall find food."

8 And Adam obeyed the Word of God, took Eve, and went down to a land ofdark soil, and found there wheat* growing in the ear and ripe, and figsto eat; and Adam rejoiced over it.

9 Then the Word of God came again to Adam, and said to him, "Take someof this wheat and make yourselves some bread with it, to nourish yourbody therewith." And God gave Adam's heart wisdom, to work out thecorn until it became bread.

10 Adam accomplished all that, until he grew very faint and weary. Hethen returned to the cave; rejoicing at what he had learned of what isdone with wheat, until it is made into bread for one's use.

* In this book, the terms 'corn' and 'wheat' are used interchangeably.The reference is possibly used to indicate a type of ancient grainresembling Egyptian Corn also known as Durra. Durra is a wheat-likecereal grain frequently cultivated in dry regions such as Egypt.

Chapter LXVII - "Then Satan began to lead astray Adam and Eve.…"

1 When Adam and Eve went down to the land of black mud and came near tothe wheat God had showed them and saw that it was ripe and ready forreaping, they did not have a sickle to reap it with. So they readiedthemselves, and began to pull up the wheat by hand, until it was alldone.

2 Then they heaped it into a pile; and, faint from heat and fromthirst, they went under a shady tree, where the breeze fanned them tosleep.

3 But Satan saw what Adam and Eve had done. And he called his hosts,and said to them, "Since God has shown to Adam and Eve all about thiswheat, wherewith to strengthen their bodies—and, look, they have comeand made a big pile of it, and faint from the toil are nowasleep—come, let us set fire to this heap of corn, and burn it, andlet us take that bottle of water that is by them, and empty it out, sothat they may find nothing to drink, and we kill them with hunger andthirst.

4 Then, when they wake up from their sleep, and seek to return to thecave, we will come to them in the way, and will lead them astray; sothat they die of hunger and thirst; when they may, perhaps, deny God,and He destroy them. So shall we be rid of them."

5 Then Satan and his hosts set the wheat on fire and burned it up.

6 But from the heat of the flame Adam and Eve awoke from their sleep,and saw the wheat burning, and the bucket of water by them, poured out.

7 Then they cried and went back to the cave.

8 But as they were going up from below the mountain where they were,Satan and his hosts met them in the form of angels, praising God.

9 Then Satan said to Adam, "O Adam, why are you so pained with hungerand thirst? It seems to me that Satan has burnt up the wheat." AndAdam said to him, "Yes."

10 Again Satan said to Adam, "Come back with us; we are angels of God.God sent us to you, to show you another field of corn, better thanthat; and beyond it is a fountain of good water, and many trees, whereyou shall live near it, and work the corn field to better purpose thanthat which Satan has consumed."

11 Adam thought that he was true, and that they were angels who talkedwith him; and he went back with them.

12 Then Satan began to lead astray Adam and Eve eight days, until theyboth fell down as if dead, from hunger, thirst, and faintness. Then hefled with his hosts, and left them.

Chapter LXVIII - How destruction and trouble is of Satan when he is themaster. Adam and Eve establish the custom of worship.

1 Then God looked at Adam and Eve, and at what had come over them fromSatan, and how he had made them perish.

2 God, therefore, sent His Word, and raised up Adam and Eve from theirstate of death.

3 Then, Adam, when he was raised, said, "O God, You have burnt andtaken from us the corn You have given us, and You have emptied out thebucket of water. And You have sent Your angels, who have caused us tolose our way from the corn field. Will You make us perish? If this befrom you, O God, then take away our souls; but punish us not."

4 Then God said to Adam, "I did not burn down the wheat, and I did notpour the water out of the bucket, and I did not send My angels to leadyou astray.

5 But it is Satan, your master who did it; he to whom you havesubjected yourself; my commandment being meanwhile set aside. He itis, who burnt down the corn, and poured out the water, and who has ledyou astray; and all the promises he has made you were just a trick, adeception, and a lie.

6 But now, O Adam, you shall acknowledge My good deeds done to you."

7 And God told His angels to take Adam and Eve, and to bear them up tothe field of wheat, which they found as before, with the bucket full ofwater.

8 There they saw a tree, and found on it solid manna; and wondered atGod's power. And the angels commanded them to eat of the manna whenthey were hungry.

9 And God admonished Satan with a curse, not to come again, and destroythe field of corn.

10 Then Adam and Eve took of the corn, and made of it an offering, andtook it and offered it up on the mountain, the place where they hadoffered up their first offering of blood.

11 And they offered this offering again on the altar they had built atfirst. And they stood up and prayed, and besought the Lord saying,"Thus, O God, when we were in the garden, our praises went up to you,like this offering; and our innocence went up to you like incense. Butnow, O God, accept this offering from us, and don't turn us away,deprived of Your mercy."

12 Then God said to Adam and Eve, "Since you have made this offeringand have offered it to Me, I shall make it My flesh, when I come downon earth to save you; and I shall cause it to be offered continually onan altar, for forgiveness and for mercy, for those who partake of itduly."

13 And God sent a bright fire over the offering of Adam and Eve, andfilled it with brightness, grace, and light; and the Holy Ghost camedown on that offering.

14 Then God commanded an angel to take fire tongs, like a spoon, andwith it to take an offering and bring it to Adam and Eve. And theangel did so, as God had commanded him, and offered it to them.

15 And the souls of Adam and Eve were brightened, and their hearts werefilled with joy and gladness and with the praises of God.

16 And God said to Adam, "This shall be to you a custom, to do so,when affliction and sorrow come over you. But your deliverance andyour entrance in to the garden, shall not be until the days arefulfilled as agreed between you and Me; were it not so, I would, of Mymercy and pity for you, bring you back to My garden and to My favor forthe sake of the offering you have just made to My name."

17 Adam rejoiced at these words which he heard from God; and he and Eveworshipped before the altar, to which they bowed, and then went back tothe Cave of Treasures.

18 And this took place at the end of the twelfth day after theeightieth day, from the time Adam and Eve came out of the garden.

19 And they stood up the whole night praying until morning; and thenwent out of the cave.

20 Then Adam said to Eve, with joy of heart, because of the offeringthey had made to God, and that had been accepted of Him, "Let us dothis three times every week, on the fourth day Wednesday, on thepreparation day Friday, and on the Sabbath Sunday, all the days of ourlife."

21 And as they agreed to these words between themselves, God waspleased with their thoughts, and with the resolution they had eachtaken with the other.

22 After this, came the Word of God to Adam, and said, "O Adam, youhave determined beforehand the days in which sufferings shall come overMe, when I am made flesh; for they are the fourth Wednesday, and thepreparation day Friday.

23 But as to the first day, I created in it all things, and I raisedthe heavens. And, again, through My rising again on this day, will Icreate joy, and raise them on high, who believe in Me; O Adam, offerthis offering, all the days of your life."

24 Then God withdrew His Word from Adam.

25 But Adam continued to offer this offering thus, every week threetimes, until the end of seven weeks. And on the first day, which isthe fiftieth, Adam made an offering as he was accustomed, and he andEve took it and came to the altar before God, as He had taught them.

Chapter LXIX - Twelfth apparition of Satan to Adam and Eve, while Adamwas praying over the offering on the altar; when Satan beat him.

1 Then Satan, the hater of all good, envious of Adam and of hisoffering through which he found favor with God, hastened and took asharp stone from among the sharp iron stones; appeared in the form of aman, and went and stood by Adam and Eve.

2 Adam was then offering on the altar, and had begun to pray, with hishands spread before God.

3 Then Satan hastened with the sharp iron stone he had with him, andwith it pierced Adam on the right side, from which flowed blood andwater, then Adam fell on the altar like a corpse. And Satan fled.

4 Then Eve came, and took Adam and placed him below the altar. Andthere she stayed, crying over him; while a stream of blood flowed fromAdam's side over his offering.

5 But God looked at the death of Adam. He then sent His Word, andraised him up and said to him, "Fulfil your offering, for indeed, Adam,it is worth much, and there is no shortcoming in it."

6 God said further to Adam, "Thus will it also happen to Me, on theearth, when I shall be pierced and blood and water shall flow from Myside and run over My body, which is the true offering; and which shallbe offered on the altar as a perfect offering."

7 Then God commanded Adam to finish his offering, and when he had endedit he worshipped before God, and praised Him for the signs He hadshowed him.

8 And God healed Adam in one day, which is the end of the seven weeks;and that is the fiftieth day.

9 Then Adam and Eve returned from the mountain, and went into the Caveof Treasures, as they were used to do. This completed for Adam andEve, one hundred and forty days since their coming out of the garden.

10 Then they both stood up that night and prayed to God. And when itwas morning, they went out, and went down westward of the cave, to theplace where their corn was, and there rested under the shadow of atree, as they were accustomed.

11 But when there a multitude of beasts came all around them. It wasSatan's doing, in his wickedness; in order to wage war against Adamthrough marriage.

Chapter LXX - Thirteenth apparition of Satan, to trick Adam intomarrying Eve.

1 After this Satan, the hater of all good, took the form of an angel,and with him two others, so that they looked like the three angels whohad brought to Adam gold, incense, and myrrh.

2 They passed before Adam and Eve while they were under the tree, andgreeted Adam and Eve with fair words that were full of deceit.

3 But when Adam and Eve saw their pleasant expression, and heard theirsweet speech, Adam rose, welcomed them, and brought them to Eve, andthey remained all together; Adam's heart the while, being glad becausehe thought concerning them, that they were the same angels, who hadbrought him gold, incense, and myrrh.

4 Because, when they came to Adam the first time, there came over himfrom them, peace and joy, through their bringing him good tokens; soAdam thought that they had come a second time to give him other tokensfor him to rejoice therewith. For he did not know it was Satan;therefore he received them with joy and consorted with them.

5 Then Satan, the tallest of them, said, "Rejoice, O Adam, and be glad.Look, God has sent us to you to tell you something."

6 And Adam said, "What is it?" Then Satan answered, "It is a simplething, yet it is the Word of God, will you accept it from us and do it?But if you will not accept it, we will return to God, and tell Him thatyou would not receive His Word."

7 And Satan said again to Adam, "Don't be afraid and don't tremble;don't you know us?"

8 But Adam said, "I do not know you."

9 Then Satan said to him, "I am the angel that brought you gold, andtook it to the cave; this other angel is the one that brought youincense; and that third angel, is the one who brought you myrrh whenyou were on top of the mountain, and who carried you to the cave.

10 But as to the other angels our fellows, who bare you to the cave,God has not sent them with us this time; for He said to us, 'You willbe enough'."

11 So when Adam heard these words he believed them, and said to theseangels, "Speak the Word of God, that I may receive it."

12 And Satan said to him, "Swear, and promise me that you will receiveit."

13 Then Adam said, "I do not know how to swear and promise."

14 And Satan said to him, "Hold out your hand, and put it inside myhand."

15 Then Adam held out his hand, and put it into Satan's hand; whenSatan said to him, "Say, now—So true as God is living, rational, andspeaking, who raised the stars in heaven, and established the dryground on the waters, and has created me out of the four elements*, andout of the dust of the earth—I will not break my promise, nor renouncemy word."

16 And Adam swore thus.

17 Then Satan said to him, "Look, it is now some time since you cameout of the garden, and you know neither wickedness nor evil. But nowGod says to you, to take Eve who came out of your side, and to marryher so that she will bear you children, to comfort you, and to drivefrom you trouble and sorrow; now this thing is not difficult, neitheris there any scandal in it to you.

* See the previous footnote in chapter XXXIV regarding the 'fourelements'.

Chapter LXXI - Adam is troubled by the thought of marrying Eve.

1 But when Adam heard these words from Satan, he sorrowed much, becauseof his oath and of his promise, and said, "Shall I commit adultery withmy flesh and my bones, and shall I sin against myself, for God todestroy me, and to blot me out from off the face of the earth?

2 Since, when at first, I ate of the tree, He drove me out of thegarden into this strange land, and deprived me of my bright nature, andbrought death over me. If, then, I should do this, He will cut off mylife from the earth, and He will cast me into hell, and will plague methere a long time.

3 But God never spoke the words that you have said; and you are notGod's angels, and you weren't sent from Him. But you are devils thathave come to me under the false appearance of angels. Away from me;you cursed of God!"

4 Then those devils fled from before Adam. And he and Eve got up, andreturned to the Cave of Treasures, and went into it.

5 Then Adam said to Eve, "If you saw what I did, don't tell anyone; forI sinned against God in swearing by His great name, and I have placedmy hand another time into that of Satan." Eve, then, held her peace,as Adam told her.

6 Then Adam got up, and spread his hands before God, beseeching andentreating Him with tears, to forgive him what he had done. And Adamremained thus standing and praying forty days and forty nights. Heneither ate nor drank until he dropped down on the ground from hungerand thirst.

7 Then God sent His Word to Adam, who raised him up from where he lay,and said to him, "O Adam, why have you sworn by My name, and why haveyou made agreement with Satan another time?"

8 But Adam cried, and said, "O God, forgive me, for I did thisunwittingly; believing they were God's angels."

9 And God forgave Adam, saying to him, "Beware of Satan."

10 And He withdrew His Word from Adam.

11 Then Adam's heart was comforted; and he took Eve, and they went outof the cave, to prepare some food for their bodies.

12 But from that day Adam struggled in his mind about his marrying Eve;afraid that if he was to do it, God would be angry with him.

13 Then Adam and Eve went to the river of water, and sat on the bank,as people do when they enjoy themselves.

14 But Satan was jealous of them; and planned to destroy them.

Chapter LXXII - Adam's heart is set on fire. Satan appears asbeautiful maidens.

1 Then Satan, and ten from his hosts, transformed themselves intomaidens, unlike any others in the whole world for grace.

2 They came up out of the river in presence of Adam and Eve, and theysaid among themselves, "Come, we will look at the faces of Adam andEve, who are of the men on earth. How beautiful they are, and howdifferent is their look from our own faces." Then they came to Adamand Eve, and greeted them; and stood wondering at them.

3 Adam and Eve looked at them also, and wondered at their beauty, andsaid, "Is there, then, under us, another world, with such beautifulcreatures as these in it?"

4 And those maidens said to Adam and Eve, "Yes, indeed, we are anabundant creation."

5 Then Adam said to them, "But how do you multiply?"

6 And they answered him, "We have husbands who have married us, and webear them children, who grow up, and who in their turn marry and aremarried, and also bear children; and thus we increase. And if so be, OAdam, you will not believe us, we will show you our husbands and ourchildren."

7 Then they shouted over the river as if to call their husbands andtheir children, who came up from the river, men and children; and everyman came to his wife, his children being with him.

8 But when Adam and Eve saw them, they stood dumb, and wondered at them.

9 Then they said to Adam and Eve, "See all our husbands and ourchildren? You should marry Eve, as we have married our husbands, sothat you will have children as we have." This was a device of Satan todeceive Adam.

10 Satan also thought within himself, "God at first commanded Adamconcerning the fruit of the tree, saying to him, 'Eat not of it; elseof death you shall die.' But Adam ate of it, and yet God did not killhim; He only decreed on him death, and plagues and trials, until theday he shall come out of his body.

11 Now, then, if I deceive him to do this thing, and to marry Evewithout God's permission, God will kill him then."

12 Therefore Satan worked this apparition before Adam and Eve; becausehe sought to kill him, and to make him disappear from off the face ofthe earth.

13 Meanwhile the fire of sin came over Adam, and he thought ofcommitting sin. But he restrained himself, fearing that if he followedthis advice of Satan, God would put him to death.

14 Then Adam and Eve got up, and prayed to God, while Satan and hishosts went down into the river, in presence of Adam and Eve; to letthem see that they were going back to their own world.

15 Then Adam and Eve went back to the Cave of Treasures, as theyusually did; about evening time.

16 And they both got up and prayed to God that night. Adam remainedstanding in prayer, yet not knowing how to pray, by reason of thethoughts in his heart regarding his marrying Eve; and he continued sountil morning.

17 And when light came up, Adam said to Eve, "Get up, let us go belowthe mountain, where they brought us gold, and let us ask the Lordconcerning this matter."

18 Then Eve said, "What is that matter, O Adam?"

19 And he answered her, "That I may request the Lord to inform me aboutmarrying you; for I will not do it without His permission or else Hewill make us perish, you and me. For those devils have set my heart onfire, with thoughts of what they showed us, in their sinful apparitions.

20 Then Eve said to Adam, "Why need we go below the mountain? Let usrather stand up and pray in our cave to God, to let us know whetherthis counsel is good or not."

21 Then Adam rose up in prayer and said, "O God, you know that wetransgressed against you, and from the moment we transgressed, we werestripped of our bright nature; and our body became brutish, requiringfood and drink; and with animal desires.

22 Command us, O God, not to give way to them without Your permission,for fear that You will turn us into nothing. Because if you do notgive us permission, we shall be overpowered, and follow that advice ofSatan; and You will again make us perish.

23 If not, then take our souls from us; let us be rid of this animallust. And if You give us no order respecting this thing, then severEve from me, and me from her; and place us each far away from the other.

24 Then again, O God, if You separate us from each other, the devilswill deceive us with their apparitions that resemble us, and destroyour hearts, and defile our thoughts towards each other. Yet if it isnot each of us towards the other, it will, at all events, be throughtheir appearance when the devils come to us in our likeness." Here Adamended his prayer.

Chapter LXXIII - The marriage of Adam and Eve.

1 Then God considered the words of Adam that they were true, and thathe could long await His order, respecting the counsel of Satan.

2 And God approved Adam in what he had thought concerning this, and inthe prayer he had offered in His presence; and the Word of God came toAdam and said to him, "O Adam, if only you had had this caution atfirst, before you came out of the garden into this land!"

3 After that, God sent His angel who had brought gold, and the angelwho had brought incense, and the angel who had brought myrrh to Adam,that they should inform him respecting his marriage to Eve.

4 Then those angels said to Adam, "Take the gold and give it to Eve asa wedding gift, and promise to marry her; then give her some incenseand myrrh as a present; and be you, you and she, one flesh."

5 Adam obeyed the angels, and took the gold and put it into Eve's bosomin her garment; and promised to marry her with his hand.

6 Then the angels commanded Adam and Eve to get up and pray forty daysand forty nights; when that was done, then Adam was to have sexualintercourse with his wife; for then this would be an act pure andundefiled; so that he would have children who would multiply, andreplenish the face of the earth.

7 Then both Adam and Eve received the words of the angels; and theangels departed from them.

8 Then Adam and Eve began to fast and pray, until the end of the fortydays; and then they had sexual intercourse, as the angels had toldthem. And from the time Adam left the garden until he wedded Eve, weretwo hundred and twenty-three days, that is seven months and thirteendays.

9 Thus was Satan's war with Adam defeated.

Chapter LXXIV - The birth of Cain and Luluwa. Why they received thosenames.

1 And they lived on the earth working in order to keep their bodies ingood health; and they continued so until the nine months of Eve'spregnancy were over, and the time drew near when she must give birth.

2 Then she said to Adam, "The signs placed in this cave since we leftthe garden indicate that this is a pure place and we will be praying init again some time. It is not appropriate then, that I should givebirth in it. Let us instead go to the sheltering rock cave that wasformed by the command of God when Satan threw a big rock down on us inan attempt to kill us with it.

3 Adam then took Eve to that cave. When the time came for her to givebirth, she strained a lot. Adam felt sorry, and he was very worriedabout her because she was close to death and the words of God to herwere being fulfilled: "In suffering shall you bear a child, and insorrow shall you bring forth a child."

4 But when Adam saw the distress in which Eve was, he got up and prayedto God, and said, "O Lord, look at me with the eye of Your mercy, andbring her out of her distress."

5 And God looked at His maid-servant Eve, and delivered her, and shegave birth to her first-born son, and with him a daughter.

6 The Adam rejoiced at Eve's deliverance, and also over the childrenshe had borne him. And Adam ministered to Eve in the cave, until theend of eight days; when they named the son Cain, and the daughterLuluwa.

7 The meaning of Cain is "hater," because he hated his sister in theirmother's womb; before they came out of it. Therefore Adam named himCain.

8 But Luluwa means "beautiful," because she was more beautiful than hermother.

9 Then Adam and Eve waited until Cain and his sister were forty daysold, when Adam said to Eve, "We will make an offering and offer it upin behalf of the children."

10 And Eve said, "We will make one offering for the first-born son andthen later we shall make one for the daughter."

Chapter LXXV - The family revisits the Cave of Treasures. Birth ofAbel and Aklia.

1 Then Adam prepared an offering, and he and Eve offered it up fortheir children, and brought it to the altar they had built at first.

2 And Adam offered up the offering, and asked God to accept hisoffering.

3 Then God accepted Adam's offering, and sent a light from heaven thatshown on the offering. Adam and his son drew near to the offering, butEve and the daughter did not approach it.

4 Adam and his son were joyful as they came down from on the altar.Adam and Eve waited until the daughter was eighty days old, then Adamprepared an offering and took it to Eve and to the children. They wentto the altar, where Adam offered it up, as he was accustomed, askingthe Lord to accept his offering.

5 And the Lord accepted the offering of Adam and Eve. Then Adam, Eve,and the children, drew near together, and came down from the mountain,rejoicing.

6 But they returned not to the cave in which they were born; but cameto the Cave of Treasures, in order that the children should go aroundin it, and be blessed with the tokens brought from the garden.

7 But after they had been blessed with these tokens, they went back tothe cave in which they were born.

8 However, before Eve had offered up the offering, Adam had taken her,and had gone with her to the river of water, in which they threwthemselves at first; and there they washed themselves. Adam washed hisbody and Eve hers also clean, after the suffering and distress that hadcome over them.

9 But Adam and Eve, after washing themselves in the river of water,returned every night to the Cave of Treasures, where they prayed andwere blessed; and then went back to their cave, where their childrenwere born.

10 Adam and Eve did this until the children had been weaned. Afterthey were weaned, Adam made an offering for the souls of his childrenin addition to the three times every week he made an offering for them.

11 When the children were weaned, Eve again conceived, and when herpregnancy came to term, she gave birth to another son and daughter.They named the son Abel and the daughter Aklia.

12 Then at the end of forty days, Adam made an offering for the son,and at the end of eighty days he made another offering for thedaughter, and treated them, as he had previously treated Cain and hissister Luluwa.

13 He brought them to the Cave of Treasures, where they received ablessing, and then returned to the cave where they were born. Afterthese children were born, Eve stopped having children.

Chapter LXXVI - Cain becomes jealous of Abel because of his sisters.

1 And the children began to grow stronger and taller; but Cain washard-hearted, and ruled over his younger brother.

2 Often when his father made an offering, Cain would remain behind andnot go with them, to offer up.

3 But, as to Abel, he had a meek heart, and was obedient to his fatherand mother. He frequently moved them to make an offering, because heloved it. He prayed and fasted a lot.

4 Then came this sign to Abel. As he was coming into the Cave ofTreasures, and saw the golden rods, the incense and the myrrh, he askedhis parents, Adam and Eve, to tell him about them and asked, "Where didyou get these from?"

5 Then Adam told him all that had befallen them. And Abel felt deeplyabout what his father told him.

6 Furthermore his father, Adam, told him of the works of God, and ofthe garden. After hearing that, Abel remained behind after his fatherleft and stayed the whole of that night in the Cave of Treasures.

7 And that night, while he was praying, Satan appeared to him under thefigure of a man, who said to him, "You have frequently moved yourfather into making offerings, fasting and praying, therefore I willkill you, and make you perish from this world."

8 But as for Abel, he prayed to God, and drove away Satan from him; anddid not believe the words of the devil. Then when it was day, an angelof God appeared to him, who said to him, "Do not cut short eitherfasting, prayer, or offering up an offering to your God. For, look,the Lord had accepted your prayer. Be not afraid of the figure whichappeared to you in the night, and who cursed you to death." And theangel departed from him.

9 Then when it was day, Abel came to Adam and Eve, and told them of thevision he had seen. When they heard it, they grieved much over it, butsaid nothing to him about it; they only comforted him.

10 But as to the hard-hearted Cain, Satan came to him by night, showedhimself and said to him, "Since Adam and Eve love your brother Abel somuch more than they love you, they wish to join him in marriage to yourbeautiful sister because they love him. However, they wish to join youin marriage to his ugly sister, because they hate you.

11 Now before they do that, I am telling you that you should kill yourbrother. That way your sister will be left for you, and his sister willbe cast away."

12 And Satan departed from him. But the devil remained behind inCain's heart, and frequently aspired to kill his brother.

Chapter LXXVII - Cain, 15 years old, and Abel 12 years old, grow apart.

1 But when Adam saw that the older brother hated the younger, heendeavored to soften their hearts, and said to Cain, "O my son, take ofthe fruits of your sowing and make an offering to God, so that He mightforgive you for your wickedness and sin."

2 He said also to Abel, "Take some of your sowing and make an offeringand bring it to God, so that He might forgive you for your wickednessand sin."

3 Then Abel obeyed his father's voice, took some of his sowing, andmade a good offering, and said to his father, Adam, "Come with me andshow me how to offer it up."

4 And they went, Adam and Eve with him, and they showed him how tooffer up his gift on the altar. Then after that, they stood up andprayed that God would accept Abel's offering.

5 Then God looked at Abel and accepted his offering. And God was morepleased with Abel than with his offering, because of his good heart andpure body. There was no trace of guile in him.

6 Then they came down from the altar, and went to the cave in whichthey lived. But Abel, by reason of his joy at having made hisoffering, repeated it three times a week, after the example of hisfather Adam.

7 But as to Cain, he did not want to make an offering, but after hisfather became very angry, he offered up a gift once. He took thesmallest of his sheep for an offering and when he offered it up, hiseyes were on the lamb.

8 Therefore God did not accept his offering, because his heart was fullof murderous thoughts.

9 And they all thus lived together in the cave in which Eve had broughtforth, until Cain was fifteen years old, and Abel twelve years old.

Chapter LXXVIII - Jealousy overcomes Cain. He makes trouble in thefamily. How the first murder was planned.

1 Then Adam said to Eve, "Behold the children are grown up; we mustthink of finding wives for them."

2 Then Eve answered, "How can we do it?"

3 Then Adam said to her, "We will join Abel's sister in marriage toCain, and Cain's sister to Abel.

4 The said Eve to Adam, "I do not like Cain because he is hard-hearted;but let them stay with us until we offer up to the Lord in theirbehalf."

5 And Adam said no more.

6 Meanwhile Satan came to Cain in the figure of a man of the field, andsaid to him, "Behold Adam and Eve have taken counsel together about themarriage of you two; and they have agreed to marry Abel's sister toyou, and your sister to him.

7 But if it was not that I love you, I would not have told you thisthing. Yet if you will take my advice, and obey me, I will bring toyou on your wedding day beautiful robes, gold and silver in plenty, andmy relations will attend you."

8 Then Cain said with joy, "Where are your relations?"

9 And Satan answered, "My relations are in a garden in the north, whereI once meant to bring your father Adam; but he would not accept myoffer.

10 But you, if you will receive my words and if you will come to meafter your wedding, you shall rest from the misery in which you are;and you shall rest and be better off than your father Adam."

11 At these words of Satan Cain opened his ears, and leaned towards hisspeech.

12 And he did not remain in the field, but he went to Eve, his mother,and beat her, and cursed her, and said to her, "Why are you planning totake my sister to wed her to my brother? Am I dead?"

13 His mother, however, quieted him, and sent him to the field where hehad been.

14 Then when Adam came, she told him of what Cain had done.

15 But Adam grieved and held his peace, and said not a word.

16 Then on the next morning Adam said to Cain his son, "Take of yoursheep, young and good, and offer them up to your God; and I will speakto your brother, to make to his God an offering of corn."

17 They both obeyed their father Adam, and they took their offerings,and offered them up on the mountain by the altar.

18 But Cain behaved haughtily towards his brother, and shoved him fromthe altar, and would not let him offer up his gift on the altar; but heoffered his own on it, with a proud heart, full of guile, and fraud.

19 But as for Abel, he set up stones that were near at hand, and onthat, he offered up his gift with a heart humble and free from guile.

20 Cain was then standing by the altar on which he had offered up hisgift; and he cried to God to accept his offering; but God did notaccept it from him; neither did a divine fire come down to consume hisoffering.

21 But he remained standing over against the altar, out of humor andmeanness, looking towards his brother Abel, to see if God would accepthis offering or not.

22 And Abel prayed to God to accept his offering. Then a divine firecame down and consumed his offering. And God smelled the sweet savorof his offering; because Abel loved Him and rejoice in Him.

23 And because God was well pleased with him, He sent him an angel oflight in the figure of a man who had partaken of his offering, becauseHe had smelled the sweet savor of his offering, and they comforted Abeland strengthened his heart.

24 But Cain was looking on all that took place at his brother'soffering, and was angry because of it.

25 Then he opened his mouth and blasphemed God, because He had notaccepted his offering.

26 But God said to cain, "Why do you look sad? Be righteous, that Imay accept your offering. Not against Me have you murmured, butagainst yourself.

27 And God said this to Cain in rebuke, and because He abhorred him andhis offering.

28 And Cain came down from the altar, his color changed and with a sadface, and came to his father and mother and told them all that hadbefallen him. And Adam grieved much because God had not acceptedCain's offering.

29 But Abel came down rejoicing, and with a gladsome heart, and toldhis father and mother how God had accepted his offering. And theyrejoiced at it and kissed his face.

30 And Abel said to his father, "Because Cain shoved me from the altar,and would not allow me to offer my gift on it, I made an altar formyself and offered my gift on it."

31 But when Adam heard this he was very sorry, because it was the altarhe had built at first, and on which he had offered his own gifts.

32 As to Cain, he was so resentful and so angry that he went into thefield, where Satan came to him and said to him, "Since your brotherAbel has taken refuge with your father Adam, because you shoved himfrom the altar, they have kissed his face, and they rejoice over him,far more than over you."

33 When Cain heard these words of Satan, he was filled with rage; andhe let no one know. But he was laying wait to kill his brother, untilhe brought him into the cave, and then said to him:—

34 "O brother, the country is so beautiful, and there are suchbeautiful and pleasurable trees in it, and charming to look at! Butbrother, you have never been one day in the field to take your pleasurein that place.

35 Today, O, my brother, I very much wish you would come with me intothe field, to enjoy yourself and to bless our fields and our flocks,for you are righteous, and I love you much, O my brother! But you havealienated yourself from me."

36 Then Abel consented to go with his brother Cain into the field.

37 But before going out, Cain said to Abel, "Wait for me, until I fetcha staff, because of wild beasts."

38 Then Abel stood waiting in his innocence. But Cain, the forward,fetched a staff and went out.

39 And they began, Cain and his brother Abel, to walk in the way; Caintalking to him, and comforting him, to make him forget everything.

Chapter LXXIX - A wicked plan is carried to a tragic conclusion. Cainis frightened. "Am I my brother's keeper?" The seven punishments.Peace is shattered.

1 And so they went on, until they came to a lonely place, where therewere no sheep; then Abel said to Cain, "Behold, my brother, we aretired from walking; for we see none of the trees, nor of the fruits,nor of the flourishing green plants, nor of the sheep, nor any one ofthe things of which you told me. Where are those sheep of thine youtold me to bless?"

2 Then Cain said to him, "Come on, and you shall see many beautifulthings very soon, but go before me, until I catch up to you."

3 Then went Abel forward, but Cain remained behind him.

4 And Abel was walking in his innocence, without guile; not believinghis brother would kill him.

5 Then Cain, when he came up to him, comforted him with his talk,walking a little behind him; then he ran up to him and beat him withthe staff, blow after blow, until he was stunned.

6 But when Abel fell down on the ground, seeing that his brother meantto kill him, he said to Cain, "O, my brother, have pity on me. By thebreasts we have sucked, don't hit me! By the womb that bore us andthat brought us into the world, don't beat me to death with that staff!If you will kill me, take one of these large stones and kill meoutright."

7 Then Cain, the hard-hearted, and cruel murderer, took a large stone,and beat his brother's head with it, until his brains oozed out, and hewallowed in his blood, before him.

8 And Cain repented not of what he had done.

9 But the earth, when the blood of righteous Abel fell on it, trembled,as it drank his blood, and would have destroyed Cain because of it.

10 And the blood of Abel cried mysteriously to God, to avenge him ofhis murderer.

11 Then Cain began at once to dig the ground wherein to lay hisbrother; for he was trembling from the fear that came over him, when hesaw the earth tremble on his account.

12 He then cast his brother into the pit he made, and covered him withdust. But the ground would not receive him; but it threw him up atonce.

13 Again Cain dug the ground and hid his brother in it; but again theground threw him up on itself; until three times the ground thus threwup on itself the body of Abel.

14 The muddy ground threw him up the first time, because he was not thefirst creation; and it threw him up the second time and would notreceive him, because he was righteous and good, and was killed withouta cause; and the ground threw him up the third time and would notreceive him, that there might remain before his brother a witnessagainst him.

15 And so the earth mocked Cain, until the Word of God, came to himconcerning his brother.

16 Then was God angry, and much displeased at Abel's death; and Hethundered from heaven, and lightnings went before Him, and the Word ofthe Lord God came from heaven to Cain, and said to him, "Where is Abelyour brother?"

17 Then Cain answered with a proud heart and a gruff voice, "How, OGod? Am I my brother's keeper?"

18 Then God said to Cain, "Cursed be the earth that has drunk the bloodof Abel your brother; and as for you, you will always be trembling andshaking; and this will be a mark on you so that whoever finds you, willkill you."

19 But Cain cried because God had said those words to him; and Cainsaid to Him, "O God, whosoever finds me shall kill me, and I shall beblotted out from the face of the earth."

20 Then God said to Cain, "Whoever finds you will not kill you;"because before this, God had been saying to Cain, "I shall put sevenpunishments on anyone that kills Cain." For as to the word of God toCain, "Where is your brother?" God said it in mercy for him, to try andmake him repent.

21 For if Cain had repented at that time, and had said, "O God, forgiveme my sin, and the murder of my brother," God would then have forgivenhim his sin.

22 And as to God saying to Cain, "Cursed be the ground that has drunkthe blood of your brother." That also, was God's mercy on Cain. ForGod did not curse him, but He cursed the ground; although it was notthe ground that had killed Abel, and committed a wicked sin.

23 For it was fitting that the curse should fall on the murderer; yetin mercy did God so manage His thoughts as that no one should know it,and turn away from Cain.

24 And He said to him, "Where is your brother?" To which he answeredand said, "I know not." Then the Creator said to him, "Be trembling andquaking."

25 Then Cain trembled and became terrified; and through this sign didGod make him an example before all the creation, as the murderer of hisbrother. Also did God bring trembling and terror over him, that hemight see the peace in which he was at first, and see also thetrembling and terror he endured at the last; so that he might humblehimself before God, and repent of his sin, and seek the peace that heenjoyed at first.

26 And in the word of God that said, "I will put seven punishments onanyone who kills Cain," God was not seeking to kill Cain with thesword, but He sought to make him die of fasting, and praying and cryingby hard rule, until the time that he was delivered from his sin.

27 And the seven punishments are the seven generations during which Godawaited Cain for the murder of his brother.

28 But as to Cain, ever since he had killed his brother, he could findno rest in any place; but went back to Adam and Eve, trembling,terrified, and defiled with blood. . . .

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First Book of Adam and Eve (2024)


First Book of Adam and Eve? ›

The first half of Malan's translation is included as the "First Book of Adam and Eve" and the "Second Book of Adam and Eve" in The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden.

What is the first book of Adam and Eve? ›

The first half of Malan's translation is included as the "First Book of Adam and Eve" and the "Second Book of Adam and Eve" in The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden.

Why was the book of Adam and Eve removed from the Bible? ›

This book is considered by many scholars to be part of the "Pseudepigrapha" (soo-duh-pig-ruh-fuh). The "Pseudepigrapha" is a collection of historical biblical works that are considered to be fiction. Because of that stigma, this book was not included in the compilation of the Holy Bible.

In which book Adam and Eve meet for the first time? ›

Garden of Eden, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) book of Genesis, biblical earthly paradise inhabited by the first created man and woman, Adam and Eve, prior to their expulsion for disobeying the commands of God.

What are the lost books of Adam and Eve? ›

Contents of The Forgotten Books of Eden
  • The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (The First and Second Book of Adam and Eve)
  • The Secrets of Enoch (also known as the Slavonic Enoch or Second Enoch)
  • The Psalms of Solomon.
  • The Odes of Solomon.
  • The Letter of Aristeas.
  • The Fourth Book of Maccabees.
  • The Story of Ahikar.

Why is the Book of Enoch not in the Bible? ›

Apart from this community, the Book of Enoch was excluded from both the formal canon of the Tanakh and the Septuagint and therefore, also from the writings known today as the Deuterocanon. The main reason for Jewish rejection of the book is that it is inconsistent with the teachings of the Torah.

What book is Lilith Adam's first wife? ›

It's better to speak of Lilith as a mythic figure rather than a singular myth. Her reputation today stems from the version of the Genesis story that includes her as Adam's first wife, because Genesis is already familiar to a Christian audience; but really, it hardly deserves to be called the “Lilith myth.”

Are Adam and Eve in heaven? ›

Answer: Christian tradition generally recognizes that Adam and Eve are in heaven. Their memorial has been celebrated in the Church on December 24.

How many years from Adam to Jesus? ›

So 69 weeks amount to 483 years; for, from the said year of Darius, unto the 42nd year of Augustus, in which year our Saviour Christ was born, are just and complete so many years, whereupon we reckon, that from Adam unto Christ, are 3974 years, six months, and ten days; and from the birth of Christ, unto this present ...

Where is the Garden of Eden located? ›

If we take the Bible's description, we can speculate that the Garden of Eden is located somewhere near Iraq and Iran around the Persian Gulf.

What are the 19 books removed from the Bible? ›

This book contains: 1 Esdras, 2 Esdras, The Book of Tobit, The Book of Susanna, Additions to Esther, The Book of Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, The Epistle of Jeremiah, The Prayer of Azariah, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasses, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees, Gospel of ...

Why were 14 books removed from the Bible? ›

The Confession provided the rationale for the exclusion: 'The books commonly called Apocrypha, not being of divine inspiration, are no part of the canon of the Scripture, and therefore are of no authority in the church of God, nor to be any otherwise approved, or made use of, than other human writings' (1.3).

Why were 75 books removed from the Bible? ›

Their eventual exclusion was not because they were regarded as heretical, but because they either lacked apostolic authorship or were thought to be too shallow in spiritual content.

Which book of the Bible begins with Adam? ›

Genesis 1:1 of the Bible writes that, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The entire process took six days, and on the sixth day, God created a man from the soil. He named the first man Adam, which means a combination of ''blood'' or ''red'' and ''soil.

Is Adam and Eve Genesis 1 or 2? ›

The Bible (book of Genesis specifically) offers two versions of the story of creating humans. Chapter 1 says that God created a male and a female at the same time, and chapter 2 tells a different story, the one about Adam being made first and Eve created from Adam's rib.

Was the book of Adam and Eve found in the Dead Sea Scrolls? ›

Yes, since the Scrolls are the most ancient of all Old Testament manuscripts in the Hebrew language, they predate the Bible but do not mention Jesus or Adam and Eve.

Who wrote the book of Genesis? ›

Genesis was written anonymously, but both Jewish and Christian religious tradition attributes the entire Pentateuch—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy—to Moses.


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.